Chapter Six

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Niall’s POV

I stay seated, waiting for the doctor to call us in into his office. I know Colton and Ciara are at least one years old since it is past August first. If only I had them before then, I would have thrown a huge party for them, celebrating their years of life. I will never understand how a father or a mother would just give up their child like that. Ciara’s mother I understand. She was young and couldn’t handle the pressure of having a child, but Colton’s mother...she must have been vile. Not wanting her own baby, her own blood, she must have been a horrible woman.

“Niall Horan? Liam Payne?” a nurse calls from a blue door. I stand up with Ciara in my arms. She’s been sleeping the whole time we’ve been here. Colton, however, he has been restless.

The nurse takes my babies to weighing area. Ciara and Colton are both wide awake as the nurse undresses them to get their weight. They both stare at me in their diapers. I smile at them, feeling warm inside. I haven’t had this feeling in such a long time. She redresses them and hands them off to me. Liam and I walk to the room that we were assigned to and wait. I look around the orange, dark blue, and lime green room.

Pictures of Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby fill the walls. Monsters that they solve are on here too. I find the mystery machine on all four of the walls. I’ve watched all the movies of Scooby-Doo. I smile remembering watching one of them with the guys and Harry screaming like a girl when a monster popped up on the screen.

I soft knock comes from the sliding door. I sit on the bed with a baby on each of my knees. A middle-aged man with wrinkles threatening to appear, smiles at me. I notice that he looks just like Kaleb. Same blue eyes, platinum blond hair, but he does have a few freckles on his face taking the similarity away.

“Ahh Mr. Horan, Mr. Payne. I’m Doctor Carrington, but you may call me Dr. Carson. So why are we here today,” he smiles at me. He looks way more familiar than just the father of Kaleb. I shake the thoughts out of my head look down at the kids in my laps.

“They uh, need a check up. I’m not sure if the orphanage they were at let them go to the doctor,” I say awkwardly, not being used to saying things. That’s what a mum is for.

“Well, why don’t we start by looking at their age. How old are they?” he asks picking them up and putting them on a table.

“Well, I’m not sure. They were born on August 1st, but I’m not sure of what year.” I say.

He nods and checks them over. His eyes drift off to my for a bit, and there’s worry in them. He sighs and shakes his head. He continues to check over Cotlon and Ciara. I bite my lip looking at them. He leans against the table and looks at me.

“It seems that Colton and Ciara are malnourished. They are way too small for their age. It seems that they are around 2 years old, and should be standing up and babbling. I suggest putting them on a good diet, try to get them to start talking, or babble per say. It’s a good thing you came here when you did, if this continued, they may have not survived a very long time with their conditions. How long are you staying here in America?” he asks picking up Ciara to hand her off to Liam.

“We’ll be here for about 3 days,” Liam answers looking down at his phone.

The doctor nods and writes something. He prescribes special proteins for my babies to drink so they’ll grow better. I pick up Colton and walk out of the office after paying the money for their service.

“Get some sleep Ni. We have to practice all day tomorrow,” Liam says calling for a taxi. I just nod to him. I sit in the back of the taxi once it comes. Liam decides to leave me alone and sit in the front.

Colton and Ciara are two years old, yet they haven’t babbled. I should have known that lady was stupid. She had that big posh accent and everything. She looked like she was a strict woman. She doesn’t even look like she could be a mother.

The car slowly comes to a stop to in front of the hotel. Liam pays the driver, but I’m out of the car before the money reaches the man. I walk quickly with a baby in each arm and go to my hotel room. I just have to rest. They are two, two year olds, who could have died while in my care if I had decided to wait until we were back in London. I change them, not bothering to give them a bath tonight. I change into my pajamas and crawl into my bed with the kids on either side of me. I kiss the top of their heads and close my eyes.

Colton’s POV

I stare at my daddy. His eyes are closed, which means he’s probably sleeping, but I want to play with him. I’m not even tired! I pout to myself and lift my head up so I’m sitting up. The door opens to Uncle Liam. Daddy told us about Uncle Liam. He didn’t like it that we were with daddy, but he’s better now.

I touch Daddy’s hands and look at them. I put his finger in my mouth and start to bite down. My mouth has been bothering me a lot. Doing this helps the pain in them. I feel a pair of hands go around me. Uncle Liam smiles at me and starts to rock me.

My teeth start to hurt again, but it’s harder now. I start to cry because of the pain. I want my daddy. I cry harder, not making it easy for Uncle Liam. He takes me into a different room. Through my blurred eyes, I see Uncle Zayn. I reach for Uncle Zayn. He takes me in his arms and looks at me. I grab his finger and start to suck on it.

“He might be growing teeth,” Uncle Zayn says. He’s the only other person I can understand. Uncle Louis talks too fast, Uncle Harry talks too slow, and Uncle Liam has a weird accent.

I stare up at Uncle Zayn. He looks sad, but maybe it’s because his girlfriend isn’t coming. I listen to all the gossip Daddy says to Uncle Liam. Maybe I can make Uncle Zayn happy. I squirm around in his arms, taking my mouth off his finger. He puts me down.

Uncle Liam, Louis, and Harry leave me and Zayn alone in the room. Uncle Zayn doesn’t look very happy at all. He sits down on something. I wanna make him happy!

I crawl around to a table, well at least I think it’s a table. I take all my energy I have and stand up. I look around for Uncle Zayn. He has his head in his hands. I smack his leg and try to say something.

“Zen! Zen!” I say slapping his leg. I watch him look down at me in surprise. I don't understand why his name came out so disoriented, but at least I was able to say his name.

“Niall! Liam! Harry! Louis! Come quick! He's standing up and saying my name! Oh my God!" Zayn shouts excitedly.

I giggle at him. I hear really loud footsteps coming to me. I turn around to my daddy. He’s standing there, looking happy but sad. Maybe because I said Zayn’s name first. I try to walk, but I fall down to my knees.

“Come to me Colton. Come on Colton,” Daddy says sitting on the floor with his legs opened. Ciara stays asleep in Uncle Halleh’s arms. I crawl, giggling at Daddy.

I make it to Daddy. I crawl up to his chest and stand up. I smile and giggle, feeling the drool come down my mouth. I swing my hand a few times causing me to hit him, but not very hard.


[Awhhh :) My heart is so filled with love now!!! Here’s the chapter. Yeah I got distracted by Temple Run and I think I bruised my thumb yesterday in Wood Shop. :/ but yeah! I’ll be trying to update tomorrow as well! :)]

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