Chapter Eighteen

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Niall's POV

I'm currently sitting outside of Colton and Ciara's room at the hospital. The doctors and police wanted to talk to them about what happened to them when they were with K and his sisters. I want to know what happened, but their minds might say that it was normal when it wasn't. I automatically glare just thinking about that. No child being abused should say “but it was normal” because it isn't.

My mind still wanders to that day when they were taken away from me. Why did K's sister do it? I know she was mental and everything, but why me? What did I do to her? That day haunts me. She was there, but I didn't know who she was. The man who shot me, he looked so paranoid, but it wasn't showing in his face. I could see it in his eyes that he saying sorry, but that he had to do it. I actually don't know what happened to him.

I saw him in an article a few months ago saying he committed suicide. I don't believe it. All the details pointed to foul play, but the police department didn't want to start a case on it as they were already booked with everything that was happening. I will never understand the police, but they're just doing their jobs I suppose.

I take the time waiting to look through the bag that Colton and Ciara had with them. It wasn't very big, it did weight some pounds. I open up the small duffel bag and take out a few pieces of their clothing. One by one, some of their outfits come out of the bag. In all, there are 6 shirts, 2 pants, one pair of shoes for the them of them, and some hair assesories for Ciara. It's a good thing I bought them clothes over the years or they wouldn't have much to wear.

I start to fold the clothes up when I see a white sheet of paper folded. It was hidden at the corner of the bag. Confused, I grab the paper and open it up. The handwriting is sloppy, but it's obvious that they were under a lot of pressure to write this. I gulp trying to relieve my dry throat and start to read it.

Dear Niall Horan,

I think it's time you knew who I am. I met you three years at a doctor's office. I was only 14 years old then, but I assure you, I'm the good guy in this. Not only did I meet you at that doctor's office, I met you the day you lost your children. I had black hair and I went by the name Logan. I was the assistant of the person who started the charity event.

You met this woman. Her name was Andrea. She was quick and made sure everything went smoothly, and in her mind it did. She planned everything. She planned for you to get shot; she planned for you to suffer while Colton and Ciara were treated horribly. She renamed them Gabriella and Greyson after her dead children.

Andrea was sick after our mother died. The death of Gabby and Grey only made it worse. If you look up 'Gabriella and Greyson Carrington' there will be millions of articles on them. I only have a few more moments to write.

You have been told that my name is K. My name does start with a K, but I tried to keep my identity a secret... that is until now. Please keep Colton and Ciara safe for me as by the you read this, I might either be in heaven watching you, or in the hospital on my death bed. The names you need to report are Lily and Penelope Carrington. Goodbye Mr. Horan. Good luck. And tell your friend Liam to not be too sad even though he must have forgotten about me.

-Kaleb Michael Carrington

At the name, my breath hitched. I do remember this boy. Blond hair, blue eyes, and Liam had a crush on him even though he would never admit it. I continue on staring at the those words on the paper. His sister was Andrea, the lady who made up this whole event. The lady who really did make the event was found tied up and drugged up in the closet bleeding to death. By the time she woke up from her injuries, she couldn't describe the woman and man who did this to her.

Folding up the letter up neatly, I put it on the top of the folded clothes in the bag. I let out a cough that is starting to clear up. Since the day Colton and Ciara were taking away from me, I started to cough. The doctors said it was a stress cough and that I need to reduce it. I've tried to do so, but it only made the cough worse.

The door opens and the doctors rush out running down the hall to the stairs. I furrow my eyebrows and walk through the open door. A lone nurse is fixing the IV bags for my kids. I cough again waiting for her to notice me. Her head snaps up and signals me to wait outside. I walk back out the door and stand in the hall.

All the doctors and nurses are whispering and shifting their eyes to me. What did I do? I haven't done anything except sit down in that chair. Is there a policy that tells me that sitting down in the waiting chairs is forbidden and punishable by law? I roll my eyes at my own logic and lean back against the wall trying to ignore all the nurses and doctors. I hear Colton say good bye to the nurse as she walks out of the room and closes the door.

She clears her throat, “Hi, I'm Debra,” she sticks her hand out for me to shake. “The reason all the nurses and doctors are whispering about you is that a boy came in with your friend. He is literally on his death bed and your friend says it was the boy who brought you back your children.” Pausing, she looks around the hospital at the staring people. “Now that is yet to be determined, but he had to go under an emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and repair the broken bones. You're allowed to go see him if you like, but someone has to stay here with your kids.”

The nurse leaves me alone to my own thoughts. Kaleb is here? I don't notice that my body has started to move towards Colton and Ciara's hospital room. I hear them giggle at the TV at what Sponge bob said. I pull a chair over in between their beds and sit down. I see their little faces light up with each second they watch the TV.

“Como se llama este programa?” Ciara ask out loud, but I can't understand her. She look sat me then I can see a flash of realization in her face. “Oh, what is the name of this program?” she asks once again but in English.

I mentally face palm myself. Oh course she asked that; I should know! I used to be fluent in Spanish. “It's called Spongebob Squarepants. Did you not watch him when you were with Kaleb?”

I watch her shake her head. “Mama didn't like TV. She said it was evil, but Kaleb told us to not listen to her,” she shrugs and focuses her eyes on the TV. I nod even though she can't see me.

This girl, Andrea or Lily or Penelope or whatever the hell her name is, she was trying to make them into her children. They aren't hers they're mine. No, I don't own them, but they are my children. I love them and I will never change who they are. I feel someone poke me from my side.

“Hey mister,” Colton's little voice rings throughout the room. It also caught the attention of Ciara, almost like she was surprised that he was talking to me. “Why are you always here. You haven't left us yet.” He plays with his little necklace that they let him keep on. I gave him that necklace and I'm surprised that he still has it.

I sigh and look into his blue little eyes, “I'm your daddy.” He furrows his little eyebrows, “So if you are our daddy, then is that why Kaleb gave us this,” points to his necklace, “He said it says my name but it isn't my name.” He lifts up the necklace and shows it to me.

I smile slightly, but look into his eyes. “That is your name your mommy isn't your mommy. She took you away from me because she hated me. Your name is actually Colton, but if you want me to call you Greyson or Grey I can,” I resist the urge to show him a face of disgust.

It isn't that I hate the name, it's that I hate that she pushed that name onto him. I don't want to be like her. I want him to choose his name. “I wanna be called Colton. I like the name better.” he giggles and lets his necklace hang. He pauses a moment and then asks, “Where is Kaleb? He said he was gonna come back for us, but he never said when,” he pouts. I bite my lip

I actually don't know who where he is. Is he here with us or is he watching over us? Where is Kaleb Michael Carrington?

[Sorry that it was such a short update. Next update will be Tuesday]

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