Bulma scanned the air outside and was happy to report it was oxygen. The gravity was slight stronger then then earths so Bulma donned a space suit.

Y/N was the first to step out. He detected a city of sorts and went to check it out. Y/N carried Bulma towards the destination.

Upon arriving Y/N hid his tail and dropped his ki as to signal he was not a threat. The inhabitants of this planet were strange humanoids. The only notable difference was a 3 eye. You struggled not to imagine Tien being one of these aliens.

However, you quickly ran into a roadblock. Language. You quickly realized that you both couldn't communicate.

Bulma came up with the idea that they may be able to recognize planet names. She tried Earth and Namek but to no avail. You were about to go back when a genius idea, going to yardrat. You could learn instant transmission and go home.

After a couple of attempts you met an alien who knew about Yardrat. He said a bunch of random gibberish. He eventually wrote down lines, each representing a one value.

(Ex. // = 2 and //////////=10)

To you what seemed like random numbers seemed to Bulma a gift from Kami. She thanked the alien and you flew back to the ship. After a bit of tinkering, the machine set course to Yardrat.

(2 days later)

According to Bulma you were now a short time away from Yardrat. 2 more days at max. It was all going great until suddenly. The ship started shaking.

Y/N: "What's going on?"

Bulma: "We're out of fuel!"

Y/N: "Do we have extra?"

Bulma: "Yes, but it has to be added from the outside so we have to land!"

Thankfully, you were close to a planet that had oxygen and you landed. You immediately rushed out of the ship and quickly tried to fill back up the ship. You didn't know if whatever lived here was friend or foe.

You filled up the ship and you were about to go back on when suddenly Bulma stopped moving. You looked at her confused and she suddenly fell. You caught her and looked for a cause. A blow dart was lodged into her back.

You clenched you're fist.

????: "Don't worry it won't kill her...at least not yet"

You quickly turned to the voice. You saw multiple entities and asked the main one.

Y/N: "Who are you?"

????: "I should be the one asking that."

Y/N smiled and said

Y/N: "Sorry, I'm Y/N, we mean you no harm, we just needed to fill up our ship and leave"

????: "Under normal circumstances I would of let you go, but I can't let you live after what you did too us you filthy scum."

Y/N: "What did I do?"

In rage the man responded

????: "You saiyans nearly exterminated our entire planet leaving billions of innocent people dead  one of those being my wife, we had to flee to another planet and rebuild. Constantly living in fear of your kind returning, and you ask what did I do?"

Y/N: "I didn't do any of those things, the saiyans were also nearly wiped out, with only a couple remaining so please can you let us go."


The man leapt at you and tried to stab you, you side stepped and knocked him out.

Y/N: "I don't want to fight but I will if I have too, can you heal up my...mom and let us leave"

One of the beings gave off a wicked smile

????#2: "No! Now you'll know what's its like too ask for som-"

He was interrupted by a ki blast going right past his head. He was met with a murderous glare.

Y/N: "I wasn't asking."

The man gulped. Suddenly a hologram popped up, the man in question looked like royalty. The hologram told the man something. The man nodded and turned too Y/N.

????#2: "Well, looks like your mother will have a chance after all. The higher ups will heal your mother, only if you are able to beat our best fighters. To the death"

Y/N looked at Bulma and said

Y/N: "Deal."

Outro time

End, I think this was one of my largest chapters yet! (Edit it is)

P.S Any similarities with GT are accidental.

Dragon Ball:  Pride Of A Saiyan ( Male Saiyan Reader x Android 18 )Where stories live. Discover now