Androids Awaken

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Y/N had just landed and saw that Dr Gero was on the run.

"Scared him off?" Asked Y/N
"Luckily" said Vegeta

Vegeta then looked at Krillin and barked

"Short Baldy give me one of those beans"
"Only if you call me by my real na-" said Krillin but was cut off by vegeta's menacing aura.

He tossed a bean and after Vegeta healed he took off after Dr Gero.


After Dr Gero fled to his laboratory Vegeta regrouped with the Z Fighters and they were now discussing there next course of action.

"I say we just destroy the place and never deal with them again" said Krillin

"What I said" remarked Piccolo

"That's the cowards way and I'm no coward" said Vegeta

"But didn't you die in the other timeline?" Asked Y/N

"Can it, I will prove too you all these androids are no match to my might" said Vegeta as he flew off.

"Trunks he's right, it's not the saiyan way" said Y/N

Y/N had recently learnt that this stranger was his brother from the future so it was a bit awkward calling him trunks and a newborn trunks as well.

"Finally you are appreciating you're saiyan genes Y/N" said Vegeta but  as he turned to fly away you delivered a powerful blow that knocked Vegeta unconscious.

"Go Trunks I've bought you some time" said  Y/N

Trunks nodded and flew off with Krillin but little did they know they were too late and the androids had already been awaken

End of a very short chapter because I have horrid luck of being sick and procrastinating

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