Androids Attack!

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A/N sorry for late chapter I'm the king of procrastination

A/N also at this point in time Y/N is about 16/17 but he will go in the time chamber and age so no illegality happens

After Goku told everyone if the coming threat everybody quickly intensified their training. Vegeta took this to the extreme and usually roped Y/N into it. Vegeta was struggling to unlock his super saiyan form while Goku and even Y/N had achieved it.


Vegeta was attempting to force Y/N into super saiyan transformation. He figured since Goku had achieved it through rage that Y/N could achieve it in a similar fashion. Vegeta began hurling insults at Y/N which Y/n brushed off because Vegeta had tried took take advantage of Y/N getting mad in a fight before and Y/N made sure to just ignore them. These insults kept on coming until Vegeta figures out how to get under Y/N'a skin. His mother.

Vegeta smirked and said "Wow you're weaker then your mother"

Y/N stopped fighting and asked "What?"

"You heard me Y/N, your weaker then your pathetic mother." Said Vegeta with a sneer

"You've now officially crossed the line" said Y/N

"What gonna cry" said Vegeta as he continued to through insults.

Y/N began shaking with rage until finally he snapped turn into super saiyan and beat the shit out of Vegeta

FlashBack Ends

Vegeta eventually achieved ssj and kept his secret hidden so he could rub it in Goku's face.

Now it was time of the android attacks that Trunks had warned about. The Z fighters were spread across a small city. Their patrol was going normally until everybody suddenly sensed a ki drop. Y/N and Goku were first on the scene. When they arrived Yamcha had a hole through his chest but barely alive

While Y/N was mad he did see this as a tactical decision. Go after the weakest link to stir the others up. Regardless of intentional planning or not this definitely shook the Z fighters.

Y/N followed after the androids as Goku gathered the Z Fighters and brought Yamcha to Bulma.

Eventually, The Z fighters met up with Y/N and confronted the androids. Y/N stepped up ready to show his strength when Goku turned super saiyan and began to fight.

Y/N shook his head and watched Goku fight the android. The fight was pretty close but Y/N was confused because Goku's ki was draining rapidly.

"Kakarot this android is absorbing your ki stop letting him doing that" said Vegeta

Goku just gave him a thumbs up and fought. Shortly after Goku collapses and falls to the ground screaming and grabbing his chest.

"Oh no it's the virus!" Said Bulma

Y/N flew grabbed Goku who told Y/N the medicine was at his house and Y/N took off full speed to bring Goku there.

"Well well well, looks like the real warrior will have to finish this up" said Vegeta

"You really think that you could be the android that Goku couldn't defeat?" Said android 20 / Dr Gero

"You underestimating me will be your downfall" said Vegeta as he went super saiyan

The Z fighters marvelled at Vegeta even baby Trunks was shocked at the golden aura

"How did you unlock this form isn't it only for pure hearted saiyans?" Questioned Piccolo

"What matters is I achieved it. I wanted it more then anyone, trained harder then anyone, and surpassed Kakarot" said Vegeta

No one could dispute that Vegeta's ki had surpassed Goku's and Dr Gero was first going to test Vegeta then if necessary awaken 17 and 18.

"Android 19 stop this saiyan" said Dr Gero


"Dad stop taking all the fun" said Y/N with a smirk

Back to Vegeta

The fight was one sided. Vegeta pummelled Android 19 relentlessly. Android 19 suddenly latched on to Vegeta and began to absorb his ki.

"Yes yes yes! I've won!" Said Android 19

Vegeta the places his feet on the androids head and begins to push.

"Let go if you know what's good for you" said Vegeta menacingly

The android refused and after about a minute of no progress Vegeta let out a roar and pushed so hard Android 19s head flew off.

Vegeta was out of energy.

Luckily Dr Gero was scared to fight Vegeta and fled to awaken 17 and 18 and Y/N had dropped Goku off at his house and is on his way to his father as you read this.


Also any friend codes for Dokkan who uses either androids or cell LR as their friend supporter

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