Cell Games Part 3

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A shocked Cell stared at Gohan with a hint of fear in his eyes. The electrifying aura and deadly rage nearly took Cells breath away. He clenched his fist. After all his hard work he would not fail.

Cell: "I will not lose. I am the perfect being I will not fail!"

Gohan just stood there waiting looking bored. Cell charges at Gohan punching and kicking wildly gohan used no effort at all and just easily dodged all the punches.

Cell began getting mad. Very mad, his attacks got more wild and the stamina drain was coming into effect.

Cell: "Why can't I hit you!"

Gohan didn't respond and kept dodging

Cell: "Enough! I've been holding back on you boy but you're really gonna make me go all out"

Y/N: "Cell was holding back?"

Vegeta: "No, he's probably trying to scare Gohan. I did the same tactic against Android 20 remember"

Suddenly and explosion of Ki occurred leaving a much stronger Cell.

Vegeta: "Or not"

But even after his dramatic boost it was no match.

Cell: "I'm going to end this once and for all!"

Cell flew up into the sky and launched a solar Kamehameha.

Krillin: "If that thing hits the ground the whole planet is toast"

Gohan calmly launched his own Kamehameha that easily over took cells. It also completely took off Cells Left Leg and Left Arm. Gohan smirked

Y/N: "Oh no."

Vegeta: "What boy?"

Y/N: "I think he's gonna pull a you."

Vegeta: "What do you mean?"

Y/N : "He's toying with Cell he could defeat him now. He allowing Cell to regenerate just so he can play with him more"

Piccolo: "He's right hopefully there aren't any consequences"

Goku over hears this and yells

Goku: "Gohan finish it now!"

Gohan: "Why? He should suffer more for what he's done"

Cell finished regenerating and transformed into a humongous form that increased power at the cost of speed similar to how ssj grade 3 functioned. But was quickly dealt with by Gohan. Gohan landed one punch to the stoma he and forced Cell to cough out 18.

Y/N found himself smiling at 18 being back by quickly remembered what was happening. Y/N and Piccolo joined in on Goku's attempts to bring Gohan back to his senses. But to no avail. Gohan continued to fool around with Cell. Soon Cell began blowing up and was now capable of destroying the planet in the blink of an eye and now Gohan could do nothing to stop it.

Y/N: "So this is how it ends"

Vegeta: "It can't be."

Trunks: "Why like this."

Krillin "No way"

Tien and Yamaha : "It was a pleasure fighting with you guys"

Gohan just cried, he could of prevented this from happening.

Goku smiles then turned to the Z Fighters.

Goku: "There is a way..."

Krillin: "R-really Goku?"

Goku: "Yes. I'll see you later everyone. And Piccolo please keep Gohan safe"

Piccolo: "What do you mean Goku"

Goku smiles and teleports to Gohan.

Trunks / Y/N: "Oh no..."

Vegeta: "Kakarot don't do what I think your doing"

Gohan: "D-D-Daddy"

Goku: "Don't cry Gohan you did your best. None of us could of come close to doing what you did"

Gohan: "But I could of killed him. If I had listened to you we wouldn't of been in this situation now everyone's gonna die and it's all my fault" as tears continued to flow

Goku: "Everyone makes mistakes Gohan. It's a part of life. It's about how you learn from them shows what kind of person we are."

Goku walked up to Gohan and wrapped him in a tight hug. Before he turned around and faced cell

Goku: "It's time for me to go"

Gohan: "Daddy?"

Goku: "You must continue your journey without me."

Gohan: "Don't leave me daddy!"

Goku: "Goodbye my son"

Goku teleported away


Gohan broke down in tears as he saw his dad disappear saving the planet from certain destruction but at the cost of his life.

Gohan: "Daddy why"

Gohan was devastated. His guilt was unbearable. In his eyes he killed his father

Y/N began too cry along with everyone else. Even Vegeta was crying but off too the side, away from everyone else.

The threat of Cell is over the Z fighters have won...

Or so they thought.


(And if you didn't know Gohan calls Goku daddy and it's not some weird thing I came up with)

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