Post Cell Games Part 5

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How did you get yourself into this mess. You were flying on your way to the house that Bulma got for you and 18. You began unpacking all of your stuff. Thankfully, Bulma wasn't too cruel and at least gave you your own room.

The house itself though was amazing. It was very spacious, had a lot of land, and was in the middle of nowhere, which was a plus for you. You even brought a capsule with a new model of the gravity room.

After finishing getting unpacked you lay down and reflect on life...for like 5 seconds before you use your capsule and enter the gravity room. About 30 minutes in someone else entered the room while you were meditating (You do this on the beginning of each training session too magnify your ki). You assumed it was Vegeta.

But then you realized 'This isn't capsule corp' You snap out of your meditation and see Android 18 standing in the room.

18: "We just got here and your already training."

Y/N: "Well yeah. I don't want any sudden threat to destroy the world, and what are you doing here?"

18: "I'm just checking on you. And I think this planet has had enough threats I think you can take it easy now"

Y/N: "I give it 7 years"


18: "Did you just break the 4th wall?"


Y/N: "...Maybe?"


Y/N: "I give it seven years"

18: "seriously"


Y/N: "Maybe not the near future but I have a feeling a new threat will come along"

18: "Well if that's the case then I'll join you"

Y/N: "wait what?"

You suddenly see a fist fly towards you, you leap out of the way.

18: "Don't tell me your rusty. Come on let's go"

You grin

Y/N: "I won't take it easy on you."

18: "You better not"

You two fought for most of the day. You ended up taking it a bit easy on her. Not just for her but so you could get a decent workout. You were a lot stronger then her in mastered super saiyan. So you dropped your power a bit so you were evenly matched. You had to admit she is a great fighter and she gave you multiple close calls. You decided to call it a day.

You both left the time chamber. You were starving. You made yourself food and it smelled delicious. You were learnt how to cook but didn't tell Vegeta because he'd mock you for it.

You were about too dig in when. 18 walked in.

18: "That smells so good"

Y/N: "Thanks...wait do you have to eat?"

18: "I can if I want to but it's not a necessity but..."

Y/N: "Say no more!"

You quickly devoured plate after plate. You were about to grab the last plate when it was stolen.


18 laughed evilly as she slowly ate. Making sure too show Y/N how much she was enjoying it.

Y/N: "You monster!"

She finally finished eating and said

18: "Thanks"

Y/N: "I thought you said you don't have to eat"

18: "I did. But I can eat if I want too. And by the way your cooking for me now."

Y/N: "Now wait a mi- and she's gone."

18 walked out before you could finish. You grumbled as you washed the dishes. You left hers out so she could wash them. You weren't her servant.

You would have to give her chores later. You soon after fell asleep.


Dragon Ball:  Pride Of A Saiyan ( Male Saiyan Reader x Android 18 )Where stories live. Discover now