Cell Games Part 1

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The Z Fighters arrived at the Cell Games with the fate of the world on there shoulders. Y/N walked up the Gohan and asked "Hey kid are you okay?" Gohan actually laughed and said "You can't call me kid you were only born 5 years before me". You smirked at that statement. You were now 20 years old but in reality it should be 16 your extensive training in the hyperbolic time chamber had caused you to age 4 years.

I little bit later the fighting began. Goku stepped up to have the first shot at Cell. Goku amazed the Z Fighters by appearing to match cell blow for blow but you knew better. Cell was holding back and Goku was losing energy fast. After a couple of minutes Goku was forced to tap out.

Goku: "Gohan your up"

Gohan: "But dad I-"

Goku: "Son it's no time for nerves you have to fight Cell. Your our only hope"

Y/N: "I don't think Gohan wants to fight Goku and no it's not nerves"

Goku: "Don't worry he'll begin to enjoy it don't worry"

Y/N shook his head as he watched a scared 11 year old boy who had to face a monster his dad / hero couldn't defeat.

Cell began to laugh at Gohan

Cell: "You honestly believe that this kid can defeat me"

Gohan was nervous and didn't respond.

Goku: "You can do it Gohan"

Cheered Goku from the stands. The others Z Fighters joined in with the exception of Y/N and Piccolo.

The cheers made Gohan start 'fighting'. Gohan didn't strike Cell.

Y/N: "When is Goku gonna realize that he's not like him"

Piccolo: "If things get worse I may have to step in."

Y/N nodded in response.

That's when things went from bad to worse. Cell managed to grab Gohan and began to squeeze him. Gohans screams filled the area.

Goku just watched. Y/N and Piccolo furiously walked up to him and said

Y/N: "Are you out of your mind he's gonna get killed."

Piccolo: "Why aren't you saving him like a father should"

Goku: "Relax after we saiyans get backed into a corner we let out true power out."

Y/N: "Don't you get it. He's not like us. Maybe You, me, and my dad like fighting but not him. Heck even Trunks hates fighting."

Piccolo: "How can you call yourself his father can't you hear him crying and begging you too save him. He isn't mad he's terrified."

Goku then realized his error.


Goku began to cry. He couldn't imagine what his son must think about him right now.

Thankfully Cell let Gohan go. Cell then proceeded to spawn miniature creatures that were made for destruction. Cell Jrs


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