Post Cell Games part 4

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*6 AM*


You pick up the phone and see that it's 16 again. You roll you eyes and answer.

Y/N: "Good morning 16. Why did you call me?"

16: "Good Morning."

*hang up*

You knew he meant well but 16 is kind of stupid.You got mad and nearly whipped the phone across the room but you calm down and walked downstairs for breakfast.

When you entered the dining room you saw a tired Bulma sleeping on a chair with a unfinished bowl of cereal right next to her. You figured she passed out doing something. Why here? You had no clue. You tried to stealthily grab your food without waking her but she heard you and woke up.

Bulma: "Good morning Y/N"

She smiled at you with tired eyes. You returned her smile and walked in for a hug. After a few seconds you split up and you said...

Y/N: "Good Morning. What are you doing here?"

Bulma: "A change of scenery as a snack. I've encountered an issue in our plans."

Y/N got concerned and asked...

Y/N: "What is it Bulma?"

Bulma smirks and says

Bulma: "I'm ready to remove the bombs"

Y/N was puzzled

Y/N: "What's the bad news then?"

Bulma: "Well since your lazy but didn't make a move, 18 is going to move out and all my plans were for nothing"

Y/N began laughing at his Bulmas antics and she joined in on the laughter.

Bulma: "But seriously this is your last chance too ask her"

You brushed her off and said...

Y/N: "I'm gonna move out on my own soon. You can stop meddling in my affairs I'll deal with them on my own"

Bulma shook her head. You walked out of the room and went down to the gravity room. Little did you know Bulma had a sinister last ditch effort too get you too together.

* Time skip*

You cut your training short with your father in order to be there for the 'surgery'.

17 volunteered to go first. Bulma then began to open up his body. She'd warned them that this was a risky thing too do and that if they decided to not do it they would die from the inevitable explosion.

16 and 18 were watching from afar. 16's expression didn't change but you noticed 18 start to crack. She was extremely worried and anxious. You walked right up too her and said.

Y/N: "Breathe. He's going to be okay and you'll be okay. You two are literally some of the strongest people I know. I have no doubts that he'll be okay"

18 just stared at you with some tears going down her cheek. You wiped it off and offered a hug. She refused it at first but shortly after accepted it. You just stood there stroking her hair.

You knew this wasn't time for the millions of jokes you could've said. You tried to be a decent guy and help her out.

5 minutes later 17 was out and 18 was being called in. Flashbacks from Gero flooded in. She squeezed tighter on you which while felt good (for 2 main reasons 😏) you knew she had to go.

17 stepped in and calmed her down and brought her inside.

18 was now undergoing 'surgery'. You stood awkwardly outside when 17 taps you on the shoulder and gestures for you to step out of the room.

You comply and when you step out he says out of the blue.

17: "I give you permission"

Y/N was confused...

Y/N: "For what"

17: "Dating my sister"

Y/N starts choking on air.

17: "I'm serious, you were there for her when she needed you. Your strong enough to protect her and she genuinely enjoys herself with you so I give you permission."

Y/N: "Thanks... I guess but. Why can't she just give me permission. It's her life."

17: "Because if some pathetic person like Krillin starts dating her let's just say don't be surprised when he goes missing."

Y/N didn't know how to respond to that. 17 then step closer and said with a sinister voice

17: "Let me make this clear. If you hurt her. I'll introduce you to a whole new world of pain"

Y/N just nodded. 17 suddenly returned to his normal state and called for 16.

17: "We'll just start packing so we can be out of your hair before you know it"

Y/N: "Sure"


It was a day after the 'surgeries'. Vegeta and Bulma were discussing the details of the Androids leaving. It was currently just 18 waiting for 16 and 17 to show up.


18: "Hey, treat me with some respect before you make me break that arm again"


Vegeta started walking towards when Bulma with shocking speed and strength yanked him backwards.

Bulma: "Calm down. Now Y/N will be showing you your new house. I hope you both enjoy your stay."

Y/N and 18: "Both?"

Bulma has a devilish glint in her eyes as she said

Bulma: "Well we have to have someone keep an eye on your for a bit. You'll have more freedom and can actually do stuff without him hovering over you"

Y/N was about too object when 18 said.

18: "Why not."

Y/N's jaw dropped. He then began mumbling countless curses directed towards Bulma.

Y/N: "Well. I guess we have to get 16 and 17."

You began walking to the room when Bulma said

Bulma: "Oh and one more thing"

You hairs stood up. Your tail went rigid. You had an idea of what she was about to say.

Bulma: "Unexpectedly, last night both 16 and 17 managed to escape..."

Vegeta: "WHAT!"

He flew towards the window when he was knocked out by Bulma. (How? No one knows)

Bulma: "We have our men searching for them so we should find them soon so for now it's just you two alone."

She winked at you then said "You better start packing Y/N"

You grumbled and went too your room. You didn't know wether or not to be happy or angry at Bulmas actions.

You quickly packed and flew off with 18 too your new house.

Bulma waved goodbye and remembered the deal she made with 16 and 17. She hoped it was worth it.


If your somehow confused quick summary. Bulma snuck 16 and 17 out so you and 18 can go too your own house so you can ' supervise' her.

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