Chapter 15

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The next day started with a beautiful chilly and crisp morning. Xander was just finishing a grueling workout with his warriors as the trainees began to trickle onto the training ground. It was good especially for the warrior hopefuls to observe what real training looked like. As expected, from old to young, most of the pack showed up. Xander was putting the warriors through their final paces for the morning, when a certain arrival broke all his concentration.

"Absolutely not!" Xander yelled as he stormed over to his tiny mate.

"No," Xander said. "Go back to the house."

Elsbeth was confused. Just yesterday Xander had said anyone could train. She was not going to give up this opportunity. Stubbornly, Elsbeth crossed her arms and took a seat on the ground.

Frustrated, Xander informed her, "You are not allowed to train. You do not have a wolf."

Elsbeth looked around and saw several of the younger kids, ones that were way too young to shift. She pointed towards several of them before shrugging her shoulders in confusion.

"You are too weak. Go back to the house." Xander demanded loudly.

In an instant the alpha could tell he had said the wrong thing. Elsbeth's eyes flashed in anger. She was humiliated Xander had called her weak in front of everyone. It was not the first time she had publically been called weak by an alpha, but she had thought this one was better than that. Apparently not.

"Look, I'm sorry. I should not have said that. I don't think you are weak, I just don't want you to get hurt. Please go back to the house," Xander pleaded with his mate.

Elsbeth continued to glare at the alpha while not moving an inch.

Lilliana and Zack decided to step in and save their friend before he dug an even deeper hole with the Luna to be.

"Xander, you said anyone could train. Let her train," Lilliana implored in support of Elsbeth.

"She's right, Xander. It is only fair," Zack piped in.

"No, she could get hurt," Xander answered willfully.

"I'm working with the unshifted," Lilliana carefully reminded him. "I won't let her get hurt."

Xander stubbornly glanced around. Elsbeth was still glaring at him. He didn't think he had ever seen her look this angry before. It also appeared that everyone else was against him. He wanted and as alpha he could demand Elsbeth's return to the house, but he also knew that is what his father would have done.

"Fine," Xander growled out. Turning to Lilliana, he threatened, "But if she gets hurt, if so much as a hair on her head is damaged, I am throwing you in the cells for two weeks."

Lilliana gulped but acknowledged the warning.

Turning to his mate, Xander bent down and whispered in her ear, "And you, I will deal with myself. You had better not get hurt."

"Ok, everyone let's get stated..."


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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