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Xander stared at the black hole in front of him. He could already feel his advanced healing stitching together the cuts and healing the bruises he gained by punching through the wall.

A soft chuckle was heard behind him. "That bad huh," the chuckler commented.

Only two people would dare laugh at the alpha of the Blackwood Pack, his younger brother Brexton or his best friend and beta Zack. Spinning around he saw Zack casually reclining in one of the office chairs with his feet propped up on the desk.

"Get your dirty paws off of my desk," Xander snarled.

Zack's eyebrows shot up. "Wow someone is in a bad mood," Zack responded as he wisely removed the offending appendages.

Xander's only response was to growl as he turned back to the wall.

"As entertaining as this is, you do know that punching things isn't going to improve your image within the pack, right?" Zack questioned.

Unfortunately Xander knew he was right. The pack was terrified of him thanks to Father dearest, who had cruelly led the pack for the past 25 years.

When no response was made, Zack continued, "Ok, so if you are not going to tell me, I guess I will just have to ask... Lilliana decided she wanted to mate you after all?"

Xander grunted in response. His Father had intended to force a mating between him and Lilliana. Luckily neither of them wanted it as they both desired to find their true mates. Once his father was out of the way, so was their arranged marriage.

"No, that's not it. You lost all your money on a crazy bitcoin investment?"

Xander stifled a laugh. As alpha he had more money than he knew what to do with, and he wouldn't risk it all in one investment. That being said, his bitcoin portfolio had been doing quite well lately.

"No, hmm. You found out that Brexton skipped school last week?"

"He did what?!?" Xander yelled as he finally turned around.

Zack winced, "I'm guessing that wasn't it either. Forget I said that."

"Not likely," the alpha responded.

Xander opened his mouth to yell for his brother, when he felt a sharp pain across his arm. Looking down in disbelief he saw a long red slash starting to stich back together. Incredulously he asked his beta, "Did you just scratch me?"

"Maybe," Zack answered a little too confidently.

"Should I even ask why?"

"I can come up with a couple reasons if you want, but tell me what has you snorting like a five year old pup whose favorite chew toy was taken away." Zack said as he went back to lounging.

Xander sighed, "I had a meeting with the high council."

Zack shot up, "and why didn't you take your beta or at least inform him?"

"I was cornered this morning while you were on patrol. They said it was urgent."

Zack frowned, "You still could have mind linked me. What did those geezers want?"

"My life, my pack, my power." Xander hesitated before continuing, "Do you remember Harmony?"

"The spoiled brat spawn of Councilmen Ryan?"

"The one and only," Xander responded flatly while intently staring at his friend.

Zack gasped, "They wouldn't!"

"They would. I have one month to force mate with the entitled brat or the council will move against the Blackwood Pack"

  I have one month to force mate with the entitled brat or the council will move against the Blackwood Pack"

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Elsbeth closed her eyes and listened. Her hearing wasn't as good as the wolves, but so far she didn't hear anything other than the soft drops of rain. It was unlikely that she would live through the night, but the biggest question remaining was how she would die. If caught, Dex would tear her into shreds in the most painful way he could imagine. Surprisingly, her plan had worked so far, but she knew better than to relax. As she was still on the pack's lands, she definitely was not safe. Elsbeth couldn't stop the shiver from shaking her body as she looked at the swelling river. She only hoped that the increased size would make it easier to avoid the rocks when going over the falls. A rustle from the woods behind her, startled her out of her musing. With a silent cry Elsbeth leaped into the icy water. 

 Her last thought before losing consciousness, 'at least I will control my death'.

Silenced: Luna in the MakingWhere stories live. Discover now