Chapter 2

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'Zack, what the heck is going on?' Brexton asked over the mind link while watching the black wolf retreating form race into the woods. Glass shards surrounded Brexton from the damage.

'Brex, I don't have time to talk. I have bigger problems right now,' Zack replied while attempting to shut the link.

'I would say you do. Xander just launched himself through a closed window in wolf form,' Brexton said as he pushed through the mind link wall.

'He did what?!?' Zack shouted back.

'Your alpha, my brother just shattered a window by launching himself through it. So again, WHAT the heck is going on?' Brexton asked.

'I have no idea. I just told him that we found a dead girl on the river bank.' Zack responded.

'Uh Zack, we might have a problem... He yelled mate before changing, but there are no she-wolves around. Could the girl be his mate?'

'I don't know how that is possible. Which way did he run?' Zack asked.

'North,' Brexton said.

Zack took a deep breath before responding, 'you do not know how much I was hoping you would say any other direction. He is headed my way, and this is going to get ugly. We are going to need the tranquilizer. I am going to gather the warriors. North boundary on the river.'

'You want to tranq Xander? Are you crazy?!?' Brexton replied indignantly.

'Brexton, we might not have a choice. If this is your brother's fated mate, he very well could go feral. Nobody else is strong enough to hold the alpha position, our pack would be defenseless. We need Xander to survive the bond breaking.' Zack said.

'When my brother kills me for doing this I am going to haunt you in my afterlife!' Brexton grumbled.

'Fine, but you must shoot immediately. I do not know how long I can hold him off'

Zack prepared himself as well as he could for the incoming

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Zack prepared himself as well as he could for the incoming. The sight of the girl was gruesome. It was clear that someone had used her for target practice repeatedly, based on the various scars and open wounds running down her arms and legs. Bile rose up in his throat just thinking about what she had gone through. She didn't even smell like a wolf. If this was really Xander's mate, they needed to keep him from viewing her. Otherwise there was no chance that he would not turn feral and become a rogue.

'Axel, go to the nearest clothes box, and find something to cover her up,' Zack ordered one of the warriors in his patrol.

'The rest of you get in position. Xander cannot see the girl. We must stop him.' Zack commanded the rest. Fortunately there was a second patrol close enough to assist giving Zack a total of eight to work with. 'Xander is most likely coming up the south path as it is the most direct. I want two positioned every quarter of a mile. Work together to slow him down.'

The wolves nervously stood their ground waiting for the alpha. They knew they would be starting a fight they could not win. Hopefully, Xander had enough control not to kill them. However, they were willing to risk their lives for the pack.

Not even two minutes later, a black behemoth of a wolf charged the path. His strength was no match for the teams of warriors. He barreled through them, with hardly a missed step. Luckily for the warriors his focus was on getting past, not on finishing the fight.

Zack, the last in line, went for the element of surprise. Leaping from a tree, he was able to grab Xander's shoulder. Knowing physical pain was better than mental, Zack tore the flesh from his friend.

'Must get to mate' Xander growled at his beta who stubbornly stayed in his path.

'I can't let you,' Zack growled back.

'I don't want to hurt you Zack. Get out of my way,' Xander commanded with his alpha power.

Fighting the overwhelming urge to obey, Zack resisted. 'I will not move.' he ground out.

'Move or die!' Xander shouted.

'I. will. NOT. move!' Zack repeated.

'Then you will die!' Xander yelled as he went for the kill. Using his power, Xander lunged immediately for the neck. Successfully sinking his teeth into the soft tissue, he could taste the blood starting to drip.

"Xander stop!" yelled the warrior Axel. "It's weak, but I felt a pulse. She lives!"

As Xander processed the words, he slowly released his Beta. The last thing he remembered was a sharp prick to his side before his world went black.

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