Chapter 7

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Elsbeth was confounded. The guards in the hallway had quietly brought her back to the hospital room when she had attempted to escape. The alpha had left her alone for a while, and her self-preservation had finally kicked in. Elsbeth had taken advantage of the empty room to make her escape. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly guards caught her before she could make it more than ten steps from the room. It makes sense that the alpha would have her guarded; she was not a member of the pack. However what did surprise her was that they had been almost gentle with her. She had fought with all her strength when she had been grabbed from behind. The guard had taken her abuse stoically. When she calmed after realizing the futility of fighting the guard, he carefully lifted her and returned her to the bed in the room.

"I'm sorry, but you must stay here. Alpha's orders," the guard told her before retreating back to the hallway.

While the guards had restrained her, neither of them had hurt her. In her old pack, if a prisoner had attempted escape, whoever caught them would have instantly made them regret their decision. Elsbeth was not sure what to make of the Blackwood Pack.

Unfortunately, boredom quickly set it. She did not even have a window to look out of. The entire room was white washed; white walls, white tile, white sheets. Elsbeth was beginning to hate the color white.

Just when Elsbeth didn't think she could take it anymore, another wolf popped into her room. This one was younger than any she had seen so far. He looked like he might be around her age. He was tan with dark hair, just like the alpha, but significantly smaller.

The wolf, unexpectedly looked a bit on the guilty side, almost as if he had done something he wasn't supposed to do. For whatever reason, the sheepish look on the wolf's face made him seem less threatening than everyone else she had met.

"Hey there," the wolf said. "I'm Brexton. I can keep you company for a while if you would like. Just don't tell Xander."

Elsbeth must have looked puzzeled.

"He doesn't want you disturbed, but who wouldn't want to meet me," Brexton said with smirk and a bit of cockiness.

Elsbeth was amused, but not enough to use her voice.

"Well, Xander only thinks he is the boss of me. I wanted to meet you and so I did," Brexton continued.

"So can I stay?" Brexton asked while using his puppy dog eyes to beg.

Elsbeth gave him a little nod accompanied with a small smile.

"Great! You and I are going to be friends," Brexton proclaimed while jumping onto the queen sized bed with her.

"So what's your name?" Brexton asked.

Elsbeth only responded by shaking her head side to side.

"You don't talk do you?" Brexton confirmed.

Another negative nod was the response.

"That's okay," Brexton said while making himself comfortable. "At least according to Xander I can talk enough for two people."

"Hey how come you aren't watching TV or something? Aren't you bored?" Brexon asked.

Elsbeth gave an affirmative nod while lowering her brows in confusion.

"You do know what a TV is, don't you?" Brexton asked when he saw the perplexed look.

Elsbeth gave him another gesture to indicate no.

"That's okay. I can teach you," Brexton said. "Would you like some books? I can bring you some stuff to read. Even though the werewolf portrayal is terrible, you look as though you might be a Twilight girl."

Elsbeth looked at the teen next to her in confusion again.

"Twilight? ... Books? ... Do you even know how to read?" Brexton asked.

Elsbeth kept shaking her head no, before dropping her eyes at the last question. A long time ago someone had started to teach her to read, but she didn't have enough time. She was taken before she was able to learn.

"Hey don't look so sad. I can teach you to read too," Brexton said quietly. "Is there anything you do want?"

Elsbeth thought for a moment, this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. She contemplated what she had missed the most since Dex started hating her when she turned twelve and failed to shift.

Deciding on an item, Elsbeth's face lit up and she began to pantomime brushing her hair.

"You want a hairbrush?" Brexton confirmed.

Elsbeth beamed as he had guessed right. It had been so long since she had been allowed the pleasure of pulling a brush through her blond locks.

Brexton was astounded that she had not asked for anything more. "Sure thing, we will get you a brush. Now, why don't I teach you how to operate the TV."

'Xan, your girl wants a hairbrush,' Brexton said as he mind linked his brother

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'Xan, your girl wants a hairbrush,' Brexton said as he mind linked his brother.

'What? Wait, how do you know what she wants?!? BREX, I told you not to disturb her!!' Xander yelled through the link.

'Yes, well I didn't listen. It's good thing too. The poor girl was bored out of her mind. Did you know she didn't know what a TV was much less how to operate one?' Brexton responded.

Xander clenched his hands into fists. 'I am the alpha and that is my mate. You did not have a right.  She needs her rest.  Don't think I won't punish you for this.'

'You should be thanking me,' Brexton calmly ignored the threat.

'Thanking you?!? Why in the world do you think I should give you an ounce of gratitude? You went against your alpha's orders.  It is my right to punish you,'  Xander said.

'Because now you get to be the knight in shining armor," Brexton explained. 'I could have told Mason to bring me a brush, but instead I am letting you bring her the first thing she has ever requested from us. But seriously I am going to get her to work on her game. She could have asked for anything, and a hairbrush. Really? A hairbrush?'

Xander grunted, he hated when his brother's logic made sense. 'What is she doing now?'

'Watching a movie with me,' Brexton said.

'She had better not be watching one of your horror films. Brexton, she has had enough horror in her life, she doesn't need to watch more of it,' Xander added worriedly.

'Chill bro, it's just Disney,' Brexton responded.

'What movie?' Xander demanded.

'Beauty and the Beast,' Brexton said over the link while wearing his trademark smirk. 'I thought it fitting.'

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