Chapter 12

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Xander could not believe he was currently doing this. Brexton had recommended that he play with Sophie publically and in his wolf form to make himself look less intimidating to the pack. So, he was currently giving the little she-wolf 'doggie' rides around the back yard. He had tried to get her to play tag, but she-wolfs even ones too young to shift were demanding little things when they were not fearful. Sophie demanded a 'doggie' ride and so Sophie got a 'doggie' ride. Had no one ever taught her that we were wolves? The only thing that was making this humiliation tolerable was the amused look on Elsbeth's face as she watched from the back porch. The amused look on Brexton's face was a different story. Xander was currently plotting ways of murdering his brother.

'Brex, if she says doggie one more time, I am going to beat you,' Xander threatened his brother over their mind link.

Brexton just laughed in response.

It was impossible for Xander to link the five year old as she had not shifted yet. His best hope at getting the munchkin to call him the right name was to get one of the shifted wolves involved. 'I am serious, Brex. Fix. This. NOW!' Xander demanded a seconded time not liking that half the pack was watching him get called a dog.

A little self-preservation must have kicked in as Brexton finally called the girl to his side. Xander had dropped to the ground to allow her off his back.

"Sophie," Brexton said seriously as he looked at the girl. "He is a wolf not a dog."

The little girl's lower lip almost immediately started to tremble as she whined, "But I want doggie rides."

Attempting to hold in his laughter, Brexton responded to the squirt, "You are going to hurt his feeling if you keep calling him a dog."

Xander watched disbelievingly as the little girl's eyes filled with tears at the rebuke. Not sure if they were real ones or just crocodile tears, Xander plotted an attack. Today was supposed to be fun, for both of them. He was going to make sure it was.

Sophie's shriek caused alarm among the pack. Not only was it loud enough to hurt their sensitive ears, no one was quite sure what the alpha had done to cause it. He had moved in close to the girl before retreating a few steps. If this had been his father they would expect to see blood dripping somewhere from the girl.

At the center of the attention, Sophie slowly turned and pointed Xander. "He, he licked me," the little girl stuttered as she wiped the drool off her cheek with her other hand.

Xander stood proud with his tongue hanging lazily out the side of his mouth.

"I am going to get you," Sophie said as she launched herself at the alpha.

That is when Xander heard the most precious sound, laughter from his sweet Elsbeth. Several of the pack members were also chuckling as they watched their alpha dodge the attack, but Xander's focus was only on his mate. The rest of the afternoon was filled with lots of licks, squeals, dodged attacks, and most importantly plenty of laughter.

Xander was amazed at the difference a few hours could make

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Xander was amazed at the difference a few hours could make. He could not say that the pack had decided to like him yet. However, instead of scurrying away in fear at the sight of him, he was now receiving a lot of respectful nods and polite 'alphas' when he crossed their paths. Brexton had worked a miracle.

The chatter in the dining hall that night at dinner was the loudest he had heard since he had enforced the shared meal times. Xander was running a few minutes late as he had to answer a call from the councilman Ryan, who was trying to figure out why he had not mated his spoiled brat of a daughter yet. Unwilling to let that wolf diminish his enjoyment of the evening, Xander was pleased to see the pack patiently waiting for his arrival.

As he passed one of the tables filled with several of the high school students, Xander heard one of the males call out, "I didn't realize we had a dog for an alpha."

Xander let off a little of his alpha powered as he turned to find the culprit. Everyone at the table visibly gulped as he stared them down. Finally his eyes rested on Daniel who seemed a bit defiant. 'Of course,' Xander thought to himself as he stared at the pup of his father's former gamma. Like many of the young of the former high ranking wolves, Daniel had become fatherless when Xander had taken over the pack. Several of the high ranking had run, Xander had kicked those out who refused to follow his rules, and a few remaining stupid ones had challenged him to alpha duels and were now deceased. Unfortunately, Daniel's father had belonged to the last group and had died at Xander's hand. Xander just hoped that Daniel would not be stupid enough to follow in his father's footsteps.

Xander calmly stared down the miscreant until he began to squirm. The pack had quieted down once again to see how the alpha would deal with the defiance.

After a few moments Xander called out loud enough to be heard across the room, "Sophie, I have good news," he said turning to the girl. "Daniel and his friends have volunteered to give doggie rides tomorrow."

Sophie squealed in delight. Xander noticed several of the older wolfs discreetly rubbing their sensitive ears in response to the squeals. Someone should really teach that girl not to squeal.

"There are so many of them, you should see if any of your friends want rides," Xander added with an evil smirk as he heard chuckles from the rest of the pack. "Tomorrow after lunch they will be waiting for you outside," he said as he turned his attention back to the miscreant's table.

"You wouldn't dare," Daniel said soft enough that the unshifted wolves would not be able to hear.

"I think I already did," Xander responded with steel determination before softly adding, "Besides, the pups should not be afraid of the wolves."

Xander and Daniel had been raised differently. His father had ruled with fear and intimidation. Pups learned to fear those stronger than them from a very young age. This was just one of many things Xander was working to change. He was pleased when he saw a slight nod from the miscreant, maybe there was hope for Daniel after all.  

Silenced: Luna in the MakingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora