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"I've booked us a reservation for six" Phil says from outside the en-suite bathroom, scrolling through his phone. "Is that okay?"

"Perfect" Dan replies absentmindedly, his focus set on the strand of hair in his hand clasped between his straighteners.

"What're you doing?" Phil asks, an eyebrow raised. "You sound like you're concentrating"

"Huh?" Dan calls back, his eyes widening slightly. "No I don't"

"Yes you do. That's your concentrating voice. What're you doing?" Phil states firmly, his arms crossed suspiciously.

"Nothing" Dan says a little too quickly, and Phil's jaw drops.

"You're straightening your hair again, aren't you?" He gapes. "I can't believe it"

Dan goes silent for a second, quietly laughing to himself.

"No comment"

Phil tuts, pulling on the handle of the bathroom and smiling triumphantly when it opens. He strides up to Dan, pulling the plug on the straighteners and laughing when Dan groans in annoyance and rushes to plug them back in.

"Oh, no you don't" Phil smirks, gently tossing the straighteners outside of the room and locking the door. "There"

"Fine" Dan says, raising an eyebrow cockily. "My hair's already straight, I was done with them anyway"

Phil's smile falls as he realises Dan is right. His hair indeed is no longer the mop of curls he's grown to love. He tuts again in disapproval, much preferring Dan's natural look even though Dan strongly disagrees. And, then, an idea pops into his head. He strides forward, grabbing Dan by his shoulders gently and pushing him towards the shower. Dan's eyes widen in shock, and he begins to push back just as water pours over his head. Phil erupts into laughter, watching as Dan's 'perfectly straight' hair drowns in the stream of water falling from above them, also soaking their clothes in the process. Dan uses a hand to push his wet hair out of his eyes, looking annoyed for a moment before his expression changes, a fond smile breaking out across his face.

"I can't believe you" He laughs, pulling off his shirt and tossing it outside the shower as if it's not already drenched.

Phil's eyes widen for a moment, tracing over Dan's bare chest, before meeting his face again.

"It's okay" He says, smiling jokingly. "It's not like straighteners were enough to straighten you out anyways"

Dan rolls his eyes, laughing quietly and shaking his head before reaching out a hand and pushing Phil's own sodden fringe back.

He never thought they'd be here, together, after everything that'd happened. Especially not like this. He never thought that despite the constant bullying, the abuse, the mistreating, the utter hopelessness he'd always felt, he'd be here, laughing, with his boyfriend.

It doesn't feel real.

But, in a way, he likes that.

He chuckles quietly, pulling Phil towards him and burying his head in his chest. He loves the feel of Phil's body pressed up against his own, the feeling comforting him like nothing else can. He's sure that Phil loves it just as much, the subtle blush creeping onto his cheeks speaking for him.

"We do need to get out of this shower at some point" He murmurs. "We have that reservation at six"

"Mhm" Phil replies, his hand resting gently on Dan's hips. "Meaning we still have a few hours to kill, right?"

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