grand finale' pt 2

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before he could say anything both of us were covered with a white light. before he could say anything else i put my index finger on his lips an said "you really are a seaweed brain aren't you. and let me just say you have zero patience" and he said "and you are my wise girl" and i kissed him but we were quickly broken up a shrill voice that yelled "yaaasss my OTP. the ship is sailing again!!!" i pulled away from him and turned towards the direction of the sound . it was Aphrodite.

piper stood from her bush and yelled "mom!! its rude to look at people when they kiss and did i mention its also super creepy" aphrodite countered "says the girl who just emerged from the bush". leo stood from his bush and yelled "burn!! piper got burned by her own mom!" piper glared at leo and he said "i'll shut up now" i said "you guys are still here?" leo said "of course. where else would we be?"

aphrodite said "i won!" i said "you won what?" she said "the bet silly" and explained that she and ares had a bet whether me and percy would kiss or not. i said "how do we know that you didn't cheat? you are the goddess of love you know" she winked like she was doing us a favor and said "athena would kill me if i did" and dramatically said "oops"

Athena and Poseidon emerged near me. Athena yelled "Aphrodite! that was supposed to be a secret" Aphrodite said "sorry! it just slipped out" Athena glared at her and said "sure" i said "mom is it true. were you responsible for Percy's curse?" my mom said "me and Poseidon were responsible..." Poseidon interrupted her by clearing his throat. Athena continued "fine. im responsible for Percy's curse. i just wanted to make sure that Percy was right for you. i wanted to make sure he deserve your love. i had only your best interests at heart. i hope you will forgive me for breaking you heart"

i said "what's done is done" Percy said "and...." Athena said "and what? whats wrong with your son Poseidon" Percy said " did i pass the test or not?" Athena said "you passed it with flying colors but i still don't like you" Percy shrugged and said "good enough for me" Percy said "is my curse actually gone" Athena said "yes. its gone. it went the moment you kissed Annabeth"

he turned towards me. took my hand an said "finally " and kissed me. momentarily i forgot that we were surrounded by people. it felt like we were the only people alive on earth. when i pulled away Athena said "i did not want that image in my head " Poseidon nodded {this is possibly the only time Athena and Poseidon agree with each other} and said "eww.....grosss" Aphrodite was literally fangirling with piper and Leo.

i yelled "privacy" Aphrodite said "so, what are you guys gonna do now?" percy said "i have a plan" an he turned to me and said "annabeth will you come somewhere with me?" before i could reply aphrodite said "it was good while it lasted" athena said "what do you mean?" aphrodite said "percy's just like his dad on the romance section. bad"

poseidon said "hey! im good at romance" aphrodite said "a little tip: girls don't like ocean relate pick up lines" poseidon said "sally found it charming. in fact that's what made...." percy interrupted him "dad! that's enough" and leo said "awkward"

percy looked at me and said "shall we?" i hooked my arm into his and said "we shall" but before we could leave piper said "oh gods! we just missed our flight " aphrodite said "don't worry darling i already booked another flight for tomorrow and i also extended your stay at the hotel and why don't you go and tell the others" piper sighed and said "thank you mother." she grabbed leo by the ear and dragged him back. leo said "its not fair! just because you cant see them does me that i cant"

after everybody left percy said "are you still up for the walk?" i said "i woudn't miss it for the world" we then turned away form the others an left for the mysterious date. the walk was pleasant. we just held hands and talked. he took me to the pont de l'archevehe' which was another bridge. i asked him "why are we here at another bridge?"

he said "ahh..well when trophonius cursed me i asked aphrodite for information and she said "annabeth is the key" at first i thought she ment it metaphorically but now i know she ment it literally and now that we are dating.....we are dating right?" and i nodded and he continued "good! cause otherwise this would be awkward well any way since we are official i want to seal the deal and i thought we could include this memory by..."

he brought out a lock which had our names engraved on it with an owl and a dolphin. he continued "i thought we could place a love padlock on the bridge." i pushed him against the gate and kissed him and he deepened the kiss. when he pulled back he said "je t'aime and i said "je t'aime aussi" and we put the padlock on the gate and threw the key into the river.i saw him wearing the pendant that i gave him and said "did you read the engraving behind it?" 

he flipped it over and read "'im never, ever, going to make things easy for you, seaweed brain. get used to it. love wise girl'"

 after we threw the key into the river he pushed me against the gate and kissed me hard. unlike the other kisses that we shared this one was filled with passion and desperation. i ran my hands through his hair and made his usually messy hair messier. the kiss slowly turned into make out session. we would have kissed all night on the bridge but as usual somebody interrupted us.

aphrodite magically appeared with ares by her side who was dressed like a teenage girl with heavy make up. he wore a pink off shoulder dress with a pink gucci hand bag and he wore a blonde wig with pink highlights. his eyebrows an legs looked like they have been waxed. in short he looked like troll. aphrodite said "guys! look who i've got here. this is what happens if you lose a bet with me"

if leo was here he would have yelled 'awkward' and would have made fun of ares by calling him 'pretty woman' .she then noticed us and said "oh i see you guys are busy. look what you've done ares! because of you i missed another percabeth momemt. our job here is done. lets leave" i said "wait! can you send us back to the hotel. im too lazy to walk." aphrodite smiled smugly and said "sure" and then we were surrounded by a pink light and we were back at the hotel.

we emerged right in the middle of a conversation. frank turned into a cat and was coughing up hairballs, leo burned his shirt, a bunch of precious gems emerged around hazels feet and the rest of them fumbled for their sword only rachel was not surprised by our arrival. leo turned to frank and said "seriously a cat. how did you plan on defending us as a cat?"

frank said "i freaked out. so your solution Mr. valdez was burning your shirt?" leo said "touche'. so the love birds are finally back!" piper looked at us smugly and said "did you have a make out session or were you attacked by kellie again?" i coyly said "a little bit of both" piper said "uh huh"

percy said "it doesn't matter. what matters is that you are mine" he twirled me and pulled me towards him and our foreheads were touching. thalia yelled "just get a room will ya" i said "thats a great idea" and everybody was shell shocked. frank said "if coach hedge was here you would be grounded" i said "he can't  ground me im a grown woman and besides im joking" and piper said "sure you are."

i said "your saying that im not a woman or your saying that im not joking?" she shrugged and said "both really. your more childish than leo" i said "hey" but before i could argue chris appeared and said "i wanna talk to you"  

everybody except percy and surprisingly rachel stayed behind. rachel went to chris and said "she knows" he sighed and said "i'm sorry annabeth" he then told me everything. he told me that he was a mortal who had the ability to see through the mist. athena found him and asked him for a favour. he was supposed to court me. he tol me that he wasn't interested in me and that he was only doing his job"

percy said "wait so both of you knew about my curse?" rachel said "yeah but we were told to keep quiet" we talked for a while and we went to our respected rooms. in my room i thought about all the things that happened today. it seemed unreal. i never thought that percy and i would be together but this proves that its ok to have hopes and not to be disheartened. i know that the world is not a fairytale but im glad i got my happily ever after {or so i hope}.

i guess the phrase 'all good things come to those who wait' makes sense to me now. all of you deepest desires come true one way or the other all you have to lose hope. with that i fell asleep. for the first time in a long time i slept peacefully. i may not have a home i may not have a job but i have this moment and im not gonna waste it worrying about my future. you know what they say 'yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. that's why its called the present'

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