grand finale' pt 1

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percy and i ran to the restaurant. since we were supposed to meet there i thought that piper might have left us a message there. the whole time that we were running i mentally chided myself for being so stupid. now we are stuck in foreign country with little money, no phone, passport or clothes.i knew it was a stupid idea to keep all of our belongings in the van. all i had for consolation was that i would not be stuck here alone. that i had percy for company.

we rushed to the restaurant. when we entered the restaurant i was surprised to find to piper calling somebody on the phone. when i saw i ran towards her an hugged her. i said "thank the gods your still here!" she quizzically replied "why would i not be here?" i avoided her question and said "so sorry we're later" she replied "umm sure? i guess" 

percy noticed that the rest of the gang was still here. he said "wait! you guys are still here?" leo said "you have eyes right? use e'm of course were still here where else would we be?" percy said "i don't know the airport?" hazel said "we still have time for that" percy asked piper "what time is it?" piper said "5:45" thalia said "annabeth is right you know your head is really full of seaweed"

i turned away and acted like i was looking at some art. piper said "what's going on?" percy said "care to explain annabeth?" i said "not really, no" he then glared at me and said "annabeth" like in a defeated sort of way. i stuck my tongue out an said "fine!" before i could start explaining piper interrupted me "wait....did you guys have a makeout session?" she said unleashing her inner fangirl.

i wish i thought but i realize that i had spoken out loud. thankfully no one noticed except piper who wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and said "really?" i said "really! what makes you think that i kissed him?" she said "oh honey dont even try to hide things from me. you forget that im a daughter of Aphrodite. oh and by the way your lips are swollen and bleeding and your hair is mess just like his"

i raised my volume and said "kellie the empousa wanted revenge and attacked us" with that i told them exactly what happened. when i finished piper said "sure. you may be smart but im smarter. and by the way your secret's safe with me" with that she walked away. i was about to follow her but i was stopped by chris.

he pulled me aside and said "if you didn't want me here you could have told me that instead of publically humiliating me!" i said "chris im sorry! i wasn't thinking." chris laughed humorlessly and said "you weren't thinking! you are the freaking daughter of Athena how can you not think? just forget it. next time if you don't want me somewhere try telling me for a change"

with that he tried to leave but i pulled him towards me and said "i'm really sorry i never ment for this to happen. its just that....percy..." he said "ya i know. your in love with him. you don't think that i knew that already? that i haven't noticed the both of you spending more time together? that i din't know that you both of you snuck out yesterday? i never thought that you would abandon me for some guy. i thought you were better than that."

i said "chris i love you with all my heart but don't try to guilt or manipulate me into something. percy is my best friend. i have known him since i was 12 don't make me choose between you and percy. i still want to be your friend and if you like you can stay" chris said "so, thats how it is huh. you choose percy over me. its fine im leaving but just remember i stayed when he left. i was the one who picked up the pieces. don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart again which im sure he will " with that he left and just before he left he said "ave atque vale, annabeth" 

i do really like him but no one gets away with manipulating me. i knew what i did was wrong but what he i wasn't right either. when i went back to the table only one seat was left and that seat was next to percy {were u really surprised] and it was the closest to the Eiffel tower. rachel was the first to notice that chris was missing.

i just told that something important turned up and he had to leave. piper immediately sensed that i lied but i not say anything. the dinner went well an i had lots of fun. the food was amazing and the view was breathtaking. after dessert we decided to take a walk around the tower {piper's idea} and percy grabbed my hand and dragged to a 'special spot' as he called it.

the spot had an amazing view of the Eiffel tower and it was mostly devoid of people. there was a small garden which was protected by a fence. i leaned on the fence an faced percy. he seemed very nervous an was fidgeting with a small piece of string. to lighten the mood i said "percy don't react but i think piper and leo are spying on us"

percy laughed and said "wound't be the first time" behind me i heard leaves shuffling and a voice say "shist! its like she has eyes behind her head" i said loudly "why don't you come and find out" percy laughed and said "the expression on leo's face was priceless. how did you even knew they were there?" i laughed and said "i didn't"

i said "i just remembered" and brought out a small pouch an i handed it to him . i looked down and said "i was walking walking down the street the other day and it remine me of you so i umm...bought it for you" it was just a simple pendent which was sea green in color in a pattern that mimicked waves on which two dolphins were jumping. it had a bronze dial on which 'break a leg' was engraved. without looking at him i said "its sorta like a good luck charm. umm break a leg means good luck and we umm........literally kill monsters.... "

i never got to finish that sentence. before i could react he put his hands on my cheek lifted my head up and kissed me. at first i was surprise but i eased into it. it was small peck on the lips. percy pulled back hastilty and said "oh! gods i should not have kissed you. oh gods! the curse"

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