wanna play a game?😏

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Small information I edited the next chapter a bit so please check that out as well.


I really didn't want to go to a lousy museum but cally said that it would be rude if I refused (read - forced me to go) but I gotta admit it was good.

Annabeth was telling us the history of some ancient sculpture when I snapped I said "guys I didn't know that we hired a tour guide" annabeth shot me a death glare. Percy looked like he was trying hard not to laugh. I guess he felt the exact same thing.

Percy and piper were looking at a statue called The Venus de Milo. No, the word will be arguing. Apparently the statue was supposed to depict aphrodite or the sea-goddess Amphitrite. Piper was saying that it was her mom while percy was arguing that it was his stepmother. Amphitrite is Poseidon's wife

Percy said "piper, I'm 100% sure that it is my stepmother. I just saw her a week ago for gods sake!!" And piper said "you don't think I would recognize my mom's face? Its definitely her" this went on for a while. Finally annabeth said to me "please make them to stop,leo. They're giving me a headache "

So I stood in front of the statue and said "hey! Isn't that hera?" Everyone around became silent. Suddenly hera appeared beside me and said "finally someone thinks I'm hot as aphrodite!!" Piper then points at percy and says "ha!!" I just look at hera and say "no offense but that was a joke" and hera quickly added "I knew that"

And the sky suddenly rumbled and we could hear the raspy voice of zeus from the sky said "told ya" and hera said a few unflattering things about zeus and left.

Everything went back to normal after that. Then Jason came up to me and said "do you wanna play a game?" At first I was skeptical but then Jason said "you'll be banned from this museum" and that was all it took to convince me.

Jason points at percy and annabeth who are close to each other but not too close. He then said "go help them" and then shoves me towards percy and annabeth. I bump into percy who falls into annabeth's arms. He then said "guess I literally fell for you huh! " and gives annabeth a flirty smile. gods! That is such a cheesy line.

She then shrugs and drops him and he falls unceremoniously on his butt. Which earned annabeth a couple of hifives from thalia and reyna.

Our next victim was nico. Nico and will were looking at a painting when Jason nudged nico which caused him and will to lose balance. Both of them were rolling on the floor in no time. In the end nico was under will and he looked super embarrassed and will was about to make a move on him but he shadow traveled just in time.

And when will found nico he started to run after him yelling "come back here death boy! Three days in the infirmary for you" for which nico yelled "not a chance sunshine" they are super cute.

Our next victim I mean annabeth was looking at a statue of arachne when I snuck her copy of fault in our stars from her handbag. She is seriously obsessed with it. And I called after her "oh! Annie look here" when she turned I removed her bookmark. She had a murderous look in her eyes. She yelled "your a dead man Valdez" and ran after me. Fortunately percy stopped her before she could kill me.

Our next target Is again nico since he is such a grumpy cat and is soo easy to annoy. Percy is gonna orchestrate the plan this time. Percy went to will and nico and said "I need to talk to you nico. Actually I need to talk to the both of you. I have something that i wanna tell you i have felt like this for a while now. I'm not sure if you like me or not but i gotta tell you this anyway..."

Nico interrupted him and said "how many times do I have to tell you you're not my type" percy just gave him a weird look and said "I really really like you will"

nico's expression was priceless. Even annabeth turned to watch percy and will. Will then said "me too. I also felt like this for a while now but I didn't know if you were into me so I didn't say anything " will is such a pro at pranking nico. I was trying so hard not to laugh and ruin the prank.

Nico folded his arms and said "I thought you were straight percy?" Percy waved him off and said "im gay for will" and piper near spit out her drink and nico gagged. Percy turned to nico and said "so do I have your permission?" Nico thought they were bluffing and said "sure. What a weird world my crush and my boyfriend are in love"

Percy then said "so, will you go out with me?" And will took percy's hands and said "sure, we can go to McDonald's right now " and both of them started to make way towards the exit. Nico frantically said "so what am I supposed to do now?" He did not expect this from will

Will shrugged and said "you could go on a date with annabeth" nico said "you can't leave me alone in the museum with her!!" Will then said "would you like it if we left you alone with Leo?" Nico said "please don't" percy said "alright you have three options you can date either annabeth, Jason or piper"

Nico said "hell no. There like my siblings" percy said "so what I'm hearing is they are not your type" nico shook his head skeptically not sure where this is going. Percy said "ha! You three are not his type" annabeth said "last I checked you weren't his type either" nico looked confused and so I decided to help him out.

I went behind nico and yelled in his ear "youze been pranked!!!" And annabeth said "gods! You just killed English" for that I said "yo no no spika ingles" when I said that annabeth looked like she was about to faint.

She pretended to sob and said "rip English"

Calypso stared at all of us and said "you guys had a fun day didn't you? Now get in the car"

I recently thought of this chapter. I hated the next chapter so I wanted it to seem less shitty so I wrote this. I felt the last chapter didn't do justice to Leo's pov. I will be editing the next chapter as well.

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