is this it?

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Annabeth slowly came in and sat on  my bed she looked as nervous as I felt . She started the conversation "percy  I have been accepted into yale university ". I didn't know what to say to this. Annabeth broke the silence "I know that this is a surprise for you but, I am willing to give up yale for you" I kinda felt a bit hurt its not like I'm not betraying her or anything but you know I felt weird. Did someone poison me or something?

I really cannot ask her to leave her dream university for me. She has always wanted to go to yale. I cannot stand in the way. I always thought that when annabeth got into yale that I would also get into some college close to yale but I already got into the top collage for marine biology.

I always knew that she was the best architecture in athena cabin heck the world even! I always said that the yale would have been an idiot for letting such a smart architect go but now I'm seriously rethinking my words. I almost cursed. Why am I behaving like this? I'm being such a hypocrite and that's leo's job.

I felt so bad annabeth was going to give up yale the university of her dreams for me. At first I didn't know how i would break the new to her and i decided to just go for it. I told annabeth "i would never ask you to  give up yale for me wise girl, besides I got into the top college for marine biology on a full scholarship"

now it was Annabeth's turn to be surprised. She gave me an incredulous look. I said "just because you call me a seaweed brain does not make me a seaweed brain" she acted like she did not hear me at all. She then went into immediate shock. I knew exactly how she felt we are going our separate ways.

This is the first time we are going to separated after tartarus. She composed herself and said "that's great!" But I saw right through her. I said "now, why don't you tell, me how you really feel?

She said "does it matter how I feel? The main thing is that you got into the top college for marine biology on a full scholarship" I pointed "and you got into yale like I always said you would" I decided to be the optimistic one and sat next to her and gave her a huge hug and she hugged ne back meekly.

I rubbed her back while she sobbed slightly. She rubbed her nose and eyes but it changed nothing. Her face still looked red as a tomato. (No offense tomato). She said "we're gonna be separated aren't we?" I nodded and said "yeah but don't worry wise girl ill always be there to protect you" she rolled her eyes and said "I can't believe you're worried about me and not you" my wise girl is back.

I said "don't worry annabeth maimi isn't far from camp Jupiter" annabeth froze in my arms. She looked at me look of shock plastered on her face. I said "what?" She said " first of all you never told me college is in miami" I sighed and tried for some humor  "I thought you knew being wise girl and all"

She said "just because you call me wise girl does not make it that im the smartest girl in the universe!" I said "ah, that must be your mom" she sighed and said "we're getting off topic." She turned to face me and said "why didn't you tell me and don't give me that 'you're wise girl' bullshit again"

I sighed and said "does it matter?" She said "yes!" And she added "do you know how far maimi is from yale?" I shook my head and she said "1373 Miles, percy" I shrugged and said "so what? It is less than the distance between the earth and the sun and I would even go to the sun for you"

She said "cheesy. And you do know that the sun is sphere of hot plasma right? And that you'd die" I snuggled into her and said "nico will bring me back" she laughed and said "why in the name of hades would he do that?" I said "because he loves me" and both of us burst out laughing.

Annabeth said "my we are going places aren't we?" I replied, "yup" i tried so hard not to cry and ruin this moment for annabeth. We are gonna be separated from each other.

annabeth said clearly trying not to cry " we won't get to see each other very often" I could see the worry in her grey eyes. After a long pause annabeth spoke again "so I guess this is goodbye?" All I could say was "I guess so"

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