what did you do seaweed brain?

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just after my mom left my phone lit up. jason was calling me. i quickly explained what had happend to jason and called percy. i didn't want to startle percy by directly asking about his so i went to the next best thing. our conversation went like this:

me: hi percy! i need to talk to you about some thing.

percy: hey piper! whats going on?

me: why did you cheat on annbeth?

percy : well its complicated......

percy: well i guess me and annabeth were not right for each other. 

me: are you sure it wasn't because of the curse?[ i asked nonchalantly]

percy: how did you.... never mind your mom probably told you about it. why did you ask this question to me if you already know about the curse?

me: what?

percy: you know how dangerous it is for annabeth  if we are together.

me: percy i was hoping you would tell me about your curse my mom woudn't tell me.

percy : i don't want to talk about it piper.

me: maybe i would be able to help you if told me?

percy: my fate has been decided piper. i don't want hurt annabeth.

percy: bye piper

 i didn't get all the information about the curse from percy but i do know one thing if percy and annbeth stay together something will happen to annbeth and that is why percy was staying away from her. i decided to leave this and go to sleep since it was late. i hope percy knows what he is doing.


after i talked to piper i felt so bad for not telling her what happened. its not that i didn't want to tell her its just that Aphrodite warned me not to tell them until the time is right. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to tell them soon. i then got a call from frank he seemed very shaken but asked me to come to new Rome tomorrow. we decided that we will meet around ten in the mess hall  and i went to sleep.the same nightmare that i got for the past few years haunted me again.

 i was in a dark cave surrounded by a ton of fog. i could barely see what was in but i noticed a chair in the center of the room. there was a big crater in front of me. then i heard the voice that i despise the most it said "Perseus jackson you are cursed for eternity to never.....". the sentence was cut short by some godly white lights and a voice that kept on repeating  " annabeth is key Perseus". i then woke up breathing heavily. i then checked the time it was 9:00. i was so gonna be late to meet frank. i quickly changed and call for black jack. 

i reached new Rome by 10:30. i rushed to the mess hall and found frank and hazel sitting with a grim look on their faces. they were facing somebody with red hair. oh gods, when i went closer to their table i found out that they were talking to none other than Rachel elizabeth dare. 

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