Chapter 15: The Punisher (part 1)

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*Angel's POV*

"Ready for your punishment?"

What? First I find him in the office talking with my principal and now he's in front of everybody making a hell of a scene. The curiosity in me is going to rip me apart if I don't ask questions. I know what happened the last time I started asking damn questions, but I don't care. The rules can suck my ass right now.

"What are you thinking about Ms. Gonzalez?"

I hung up the phone and left it in my hand.

"Michael what the fuck are you doing here?! People are watching!" I whisper-yelled when I noticed everyone was staring at us.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" he tilted his head to the side with a plain serious face.

"Wh-...I-...UGHHH you know-..." I lowered my voice again because people were starting to whisper. "You know what I mean. Isn't the rule to NOT look for each other. This is a pretty intense breakage of that rule." I rolled my eyes and covered my face.

I guess I am still mad at him, to answer my earlier question.

"It's not breaking the rules if it's part of our lesson Angel. I invented the rules therefore I know what's breaking them or not. Plus didn't I just tell you I'm here for your punishment? Were you not paying attention? That's a pretty bad characteristic for a student don't you think?" A cheeky grin that always accompanied his face was now combined with an arched eyebrow.

I stayed silent and walked a bit further from the crowd so that we could have a private conversation. Michael followed me with his hands behind his back.

"So are gonna tell me what you're really doing here or are you just gonna keep it a secret like everything else?" I hissed strongly letting out the anger I held in when he yelled at me on Monday.

But that didn't necessarily mean to escape my lips. I looked away in fear of finding his eyes. Michael's smirk left his mouth and a completely different expression reached his face.

"What do you mean by secrets, exactly?" Michael asked with squinted eyes and a half pissed face.

I tried to stay quiet and hold in my words but I couldn't. It's unhealthy to not speak your mind. No matter what I did or tried, my mouth still spoke by itself and let ALMOST all my thoughts flow through.

"Secrets! Well one second you're flirty and funny-...and then..." I stuttered in frustration trying to stay quiet, "...and then the next you're just fucking rude and cold and so fucking different!" I threw my arms everywhere not knowing what to do with them.

Michael glared at me with insanely surprised eyes. He just seemed, taken back? And just as expected, the beast came out. But not the good one.

"It's none of your business what mood I'm in or how I act. I explained the rules and I expect you to follow them. Quit trying to analyze me every time you see me will you?" he stated loud and clear with a dead serious face. I just stayed silent with my mouth slightly hung open.

I'm tired of this shit. I didn't want to make him mad again. I just lost track of my thoughts. This can't be me. I can't care about this bullshit. It's just a silly sex class. I don't give a fuck. So I let it go. I stayed quiet and glared at him, having no time for bullshít.

"Forget it. We're here because I helped you with the principal and stopped you from getting the punishment he was about to give you, so now I'm here to apply a punishment you deserve." his expression calmed down and he seemed more relaxed, "You need to learn your lesson Angel. To follow rules, not only school rules but MY rules."

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