25. Apology

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Will's head snapped up at the achingly familiar voice, but he didn't smile. 

"What do you want, Ash," he snapped tiredly, and Ash winced. Will couldn't help but notice the dark circles beneath the smaller boy's eyes, or the faint bruise on his cheek. Will's eyes narrowed a little. "What happened to your cheek?"

"I--" Ash flushed and lifted his hand, touching the faint bruise and blinking. "Er--I...got hit in the face."

Will narrowed his eyes further, and Ash rushed out, "W-with another basketball. I never see them coming..."

Will looked away, fiddling with the straps of his backpack.

The bell would ring in five minutes, and Mrs. Sukiyaki wasn't in yet. 

"Er, listen," Ash began awkwardly. "I, uh...I'm sorry, Will."

Will cut a cool glance at Ash. "Mhm. So am I."

Ash swallowed. "I--it wasn't--it wasn't what you thought. Think. It's not what you..." The smaller boy seemed to struggle for words, and Will rolled his eyes.

"I get it, Ash. You feel bad. I do too, for completely different reasons. But I really--" He stopped, took a breath. "It's not fair, if you want me to get over you, to talk to me right now."

"Oh, really?" Ash snapped. "Because you seem to be getting over me just fine with Tristan. Remember? The one who called us fags every minute he could? The one you hate?"

Will narrowed his eyes, but he knew Ash was right. "For your information," Will said coldly, "Tristan was the one who talked to me after you dumped me. Remember?"

Ash swallowed, opening his mouth to say something when Mrs. Sukiyaki walked in and the bell rang.

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Sorry this chapter is so short, you guys! I have a severe case of writer's block at the moment...any idea what I should do next?

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Q: Will and Ash or Will and Tristan? (Wish or Trill, XD)

A: I'm in between rn. I guess it depends on what you guys think ;)

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