8. Riley

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When Will woke up, he barely made it to the bathroom before he vomited into the toilet.

He wasn't sick, he knew that much. He didn't feel sick, adn when he lifted a hand to his forehead, his skin was normal.

But he'd been remembering. Remembering Riley's grin, his happy little laugh that he only gave when Will snuck up behind him and kissed him, the smoothness of his skin--

His rasping breaths, the blood on his face, his last kiss that seemed to burn on Will's mouth for a month afterwards.

Will threw up again.

He hated his dad. He hated him, hated him more than he'd ever hated anything in his entire life.

Will staggered out of the bathroom, past a concerned Jessica, and collapsed into his bed, a harsh, broken sob tearing free from his chest. He buried his face in his pillow, letting the tears of the last few months out into the pillow.

Jessica knew enough not to come in until he was more or less finished screaming into his blankets. When he did, he simply lay on his side, curled into a ball beneath his blanket and staring at the wall.

She sat down on the edge and stroked his hair. "Hey," she murmured. "You okay?"

Will closed his eyes and shook his head. A tear dripped off the end of his nose.

"You want to talk about it?" Jessica asked gently.

Will swallowed hard and shook his head again. "I...really don't."

Jessica chewed her lip. "Do you want to stay home today?"

"Please." His voice cracked.

"Okay." Jessica stood up. "Let me know if you need anything."

Once she'd left, Will pulled the blankets tighter around himself.

I need Riley back.

~ ~ ~

"Hey, Will. I know this is my third voicemail, but it's also been three hours since I called last...You okay? You weren't at school today..."

Will pressed delete.

He couldn't deal with Ash today. Not with him looking so happy all the time.

He just...needed space.

But then again, Ash deserved an explanation.

Will sighed and texted him.

Feeling sick.

Ash responded a few minutes later. Yeesh. Is it bad?

Will blinked at the phone, then shuddered and looked up at the sky. He was on his rock, but the tide hasn't come in. A freezing wind blew across the ocean to him. He shivered again, drawing his jacket tight around him.

I'll be fine by Monday.

Ash's reply came a second later. Okay. If you need anything, just call.

Will blinked, then sent a thumbs up emoji and stuffed his phone into his pocket. He folded his arms on top of his legs and rested his chin on his forearm.


The memory hit him like a punch to the gut.

He turned, grinning. Will barreled into him, wrapping his arms tightly around him and lifting him into the air. Riley laughed, and Will caught his mouth in a kiss.

"What was that for?" Riley asked breathlessly.

"Nothing," Will said with a laugh, sitting down in the middle of the grass with Riley on his lap. "You're just so damn perfect. Couldn't resist."

Riley laughed, kissing Will again before climbing out of his lap and walking a ways away to a tree and looking up, frowning. "I wish I wasn't so short, so I could climb this tree."

Will stood and walked over to him, sliding his arms around his waist. "Good thing I'm so tall, then."

Riley opened his mouth to object, but Will had already lifted him high enough that he could grab the lowest branch. He did, then used his feet to propel himself up. He looked down, adn his eyes widened.

"Whoa," he said. It's so high."

Will grinned and jumped, grabbing the branch and hoisting himself up so he was sitting next to Riley. He glanced down, and when he looked back up, Riley was studying him.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Riley said, leaning forward. "I just love you so much it hurts."

~ ~ ~

Will shook himself out of the memory with a barely suppressed sob. That had been the first time they'd told each other they loved each other.

Two weeks after that, Riley was dead.

~ ~ ~

The next day, Saturday, dawned surprisingly bright. The sun was out for once, and it shone right through Will's window.

He groaned and rolled over, covering his face with his pillow. "Goddammit," he mumbled, rolling over again and falling off the bed with a thump. He sat up, rubbing his head, and grabbed for his phone to see several new text messages lighting up the screen.

All of them were from Ash.

Good morning! the first one read.

You okay? the second one asked.

I'm free today, you wanna go get ice cream or something? My dad has something at the house, so I can't stay there the last one declared in all it's blue-with-white-text glory.

Will blinked, then glanced at the time. His brows lifted in surprise.

"Twelve thirty," he mumbled, then replied to Ash's last text.

I'd rather die.

He sent it, a small smile twitching at his mouth.

Ash didn't reply for a moment, then sent a simple Oh. K.

Will rolled his eyes.

Ice cream makes me gag. Milkshakes?

He could almost see Ash's face light up, and Will knew he was getting dangerously close to being friends with him, if they weren't already.

Definitely. Where do I meet you?

Will thought for a moment. The park?

Sure. See ya there.

- - - - - - - - - -

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Q: Favorite song?

A: Forest by Twenty One Pilots, for sure. 

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