21. Pretend Boyfriends

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"So...you guys aren't together anymore?"

Will blinked at Tori, his face expressionless. "No."

Tori blinked, pity in her gaze, and sat down across from him. "That sucks."

Will didn't say anything, glaring at his food. Why the hell did she sit down?

"When my girlfriend broke up with me, I could hardly get out of bed," Tori continued with a sigh. I'm surprised you even came to school."

Will scowled at her. "Can you please leave me alone?"

Tori shrugged. "I'm just saying, it's good that you moved on so quickly. Shows that you can't be broken. Interesting choice, though. I mean, if he's just a fuck buddy, that's understandable, but--"

Will stared at her. "What are you talking about?"

Tori blinked. "Tristan. You know. Everyone's saying how after Ash and you broke up and you left, Tristan followed you and you..." she grinned conspiratorially "...you know."

Will nearly choked.

"WHAT?" he gasped.

Tori blinked. "So it isn't true?" She looked faintly disappointed. "Man, that sucks. If anyone would have looked cuter than you and Ash, it would have been you and Tristan. You know, the whole 'enemies to lovers' shit."

Will clenched a fist, a snarl curling his lips. "That bastard..." he murmured, glowering and standing abruptly. "I need to go. I would say it was nice talking to you, but it really wasn't."

Tori grinned and saluted him. "No prob. See ya."

Will stomped off, searching the lunchroom for a head of black hair. Finally spotting him in the line, he growled and stormed over.

Tristan saw him coming and most likely saw the livid expression on his face, because he paled a little and started inching back towards the wall.

"What the fuck?" Will nearly roared. "Did you fucking tell people we were together?"

Tristan's eyes widened and he nearly choked, the same reaction Will had. The other kids in line were watching them with keen interest, no doubt having heard the bullshit rumor.

"What?" Tristan gasped, his face red. "No way! No--No way! You of all people should know I'd never--!"

Will growled in barely repressed fury, and then noticed a small form in the doorway to the cafeteria, staring at him with blue eyes that haunted his dreams.

His knees weakened, and he forced himself to look away from Ash, even though the smaller boy was staring at him.

Tristan followed his gaze, and a strange expression crossed his face when he saw who Will had been looking at. He looked back to Will, then said low enough that only he could hear, "Kiss me, Will."

Will reeled back like he'd been stung. "WHAT?"

Tristan flushed. "Trust me. You'll get over him. Just--kiss me, yeah?"

Will didn't move, and the girl in line behind Tristan sighed. "You're holding up the line!"

Will shot a glance in Ash's direction, and the tear in his heart ripped a little more. Ash was clearly trying not to look like he was staring at them while he clearly was.

This is what you get for breaking my heart, jackass, Will thought, then stepped forward and crushed his mouth roughly against Tristan's.

There was a collective gasp from what seemed like everyone in the lunchroom, but Will wasn't paying any attention. His mind had zeroed in on the soft but firm feel of Tristan's mouth on his, so different from Ash's but so similar to Riley's. He squeezed his eyes shut, imagining that this wasn't Tristan, it was Riley, and that thought spurred him to nip at Tristan's lower lip. Tristan gasped a little, his hands rising to Will's shoulders and pushing him away, his eyes wide.

Will stared at him.

What the fuck did I just do?

Slowly, Will looked over his shoulder to Ash, who looked like he'd seen a ghost. A strange flash of satisfaction shot through his core, and he looked back to Tristan, who still looked a little shell-shocked.

Around them, people started cheering and clapping, and Will smirked smugly, watching as Tristan swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. Will grabbed Tristan's hand and dragged him out of the lunchroom into the hall, away from the prying eyes of the entire school.

Tristan followed, looking stunned.

"Was that good enough?" Will demanded, his smirk dropping away and desperation taking it's place. "Do you think--is that how you get over someone?"

Tristan didn't respond, staring at Will. Will growled and grabbed Tristan's shoulders, shaking him a little. "Hey, Tristan! Ugly boy! Was that good enough?"

"Fuck," Tristan blurted. "That was definitely good enough."

Will huffed. "Good enough for you, or for me? Is that seriously how--"

Tristan cut him off. "People think we're dating now."

Will went completely still.

Tristan continued. "So this way, you'll either get over Ash, or Ash will realize what an incredible chance he passed up and come back to you."

Will didn't respond, still staring at Tristan.

Tristan flushed. "What I'm trying to say is--"

"I know what you're trying to say," Will interrupted quietly. "You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend."

Tristan bit his lip and nodded. "I just--"

"Okay," Will said before he could talk himself out of it.

"Tristan sighed. "Look, Will, I know you might not want to, but--" he stopped. "Wait, what?"

Will huffed. "I'm not gonna repeat myself, idiot."

Tristan grinned a little. "Alright." He dragged a hand through his hair. "You won't regret it."


Not entirely sure what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter.

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Q: What do you do to pass the quarantine time?

A: Literally binge watch videos of James McAvoy. Not even kidding.

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