"Uh, Stiles?" Stiles and I both turn to look at Derek. "Yes?" Stiles asks in frustration. He holds up a shirt. "This...no fit." Derek says through gritted teeth. "Then try something else on." Stiles tells him. "You okay there, buddy?" I ask Danny with a smirk who just looks away awkwardly. Stiles seems to realize what I'm implying and looks between the two in realization.

Danny notices Stiles' look and quickly looks away again as I try to hold in my laughter. Stiles turns back to look at Derek who was putting on a blue and orange striped shirt. "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? What do you think, Danny?" Stiles motions to Derek. "Huh?" Danny asks, trying to avoid looking at Derek. "Miguel's new shirt. How's it looking?" I ask, pointing over at Derek with a smirk.

Derek just stares at the both of us, looking seriously pissed. I didn't care what he was gonna do to me later though because this...this was very amusing. Danny looks back at Derek. "It's-it's not really his color" Danny admits uncomfortably and Derek takes his shirt off again. "You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy?" Stiles smirks. "You're a horrible person" Danny mutters before looking at me.

"And stop enjoying this. I'm seriously going to kill you" He tells me, hitting my shoulder. "I have no idea what you're talking about" I shrug innocently. "Anyway, about that text." Stiles tries to say again. "Stiles!" Derek snaps. We all turn back to look at him as he holds up yet another shirt, still shirtless. "None of these fit." He complains. Stiles and I turn to look at Danny who was checking out Derek once again.

"I'll need the ISP number, and the exact time of the text" Danny sighs in defeat, typing in Stiles' computer and Stiles and I high five in success. We let Danny do his thing while Derek finally finds a new shirt. "There. The text was sent from a computer. This one" Danny says, pointing at it.

"Registered to that account name?" Derek asks. "No, no, no, no. That can't be right." Stiles denies. "Something real messed up is going on here" I sigh as we see it came from a hospital computer registered under Melissa McCall. Scott's Mom.


"Did you get the picture?" Scott asks into the phone as Stiles, Derek and I sit in Stiles' jeep. "Yeah, I did, and it looks just like the drawing" Stiles says. Derek grabs his hand, bringing the phone closer to him as Stiles starts yelping in pain. "Hey, is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. An inscription, an opening, something." Derek describes.

"No, no, the thing's flat. And, no, it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you two? You're supposed to be here. You're both first line and you're starting Alex" Scott brings up and I sigh as Stiles and I glance at each other. We both knew we weren't gonna make it to the game anyways.

"Guys, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start" Scott adds after a minute. "We know. Look, if you see my Dad, can you tell him- tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little late, okay? All right, thanks" Stiles hangs up as Derek turns to look at us. "You're not gonna make it." He informs us. "We're aware of that, thank you" I sigh. "And you didn't tell him about his Mom, either" Derek brings up.

"Not till we find out the truth" Stiles says as we sit outside the long term care hospital. The one Derek took Scott and I to a couple weeks ago where I found out my family burned his alive. "By the way, one more thing." Derek suddenly says. "Yeah" Stiles nods. Derek grabs the back of his head, slamming it into his steering wheel as he groans in pain.

Derek turns to look back at me, punching me in the shoulder with his werewolf strength. "Ah, fuck!" I exclaim in pain. That was gonna be sore tomorrow. "What the hell was-" Stiles say, holding his head in pain. "You two know what that was for. Go. Go!" Derek tells us. "Ugh. Asshole" I mumble under my breath, holding my shoulder in pain as Stiles and I both climb out.

We walk around the hospital, looking for Melissa while Stiles talks on the phone with Derek. "Yeah, I said we can't find her" Stiles nods, putting it on speaker so we could both listen in. "Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle." Derek tells us. We walk into Peter's room and see no sign of Peter anywhere. "Yeah, well, he's not here either" Stiles informs him.

"What?" Derek asks confused. "He's gone. Disappeared. Maybe in testing or something" I shrug. It's silent for a moment before we hear him talking again, this time sounding more urgent. "You two, get out of there right now-it's him! He's the Alpha! Get out!" Derek yells. "Aw, you actually care about me? That's so sweet" I say into the phone.

"Just get out of there!" He yells. Stiles grabs my arm and goes to pull me out of the hospital but we both pause as we see Derek's uncle stood there, a smile on his face. "You must be Stiles and Alex" he comments. Stiles and I give each other wide-eyed looks. Okay, we were so dead. Stiles and I both turn to run out, only to be stopped as Peter's nurse stands behind us.

"What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over" She tells us. "Oh, I knew you were a bitch to begin with!" I exclaim. "You...and him" Stiles points back and forth between them. "You're-" He looks at Peter before turning back to look at the nurse. "You're the one who-" "Stiles, words please." I beg. "Oh, my God, we're gonna die" Stiles panics. "Thank you. Shit, we're gonna die" I panic as well.

Derek suddenly appears, elbowing the nurse in the face. "That's not nice. She's my nurse" Peter tuts. "She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people. Get out of the way" Derek tells Stiles and I. "You don't gotta tell me twice" I scoff, pulling Stiles along with me to hide behind the front desk as Peter and Derek start fighting. "This took a turn" I yell over the fighting and Stiles nods his head. "It's more exciting than the game would have been though, I do have to admit. And that's saying something, coming from me" I scoff.

The Strawberry Blonde~~Lydia Martin Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora