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Virgil pulled his thin black jacket closer to him as the bitter winter wind whistled past. Why did his master leave him alone out here? Did he want him to die?

Virgil shivered again. He was so tired. The poor neko didnt know what he did wrong. What did he do to deserve this?

Suddenly, Virgil tripped and fell in the snow.

But he was to tired to get up. Maybe if he fell asleep he would be warm again...


Patton was walking back from the store when he saw a black lump through the snowstorm. He cautiously approached the figure when he noticed two ears and a tail. Patton gasped and grabbed his phone, calling his roommates.

"Hey Patt, decided you need a ride?" Roman chuckled through the line.

"No! I mean yes, but theres a neko out here freezing to death!" Patton cried.

"What? Okay, I'll be there soon." Roman said, and Patton could hear him grabbing the keys.

"Okay, were at the corner of Sanders and Stokes." Patton told him.

"Alright. Logan said to try and keep the neko warm." Roman said.

"I will." Patton nodded, "please hurry."

With that, Patton hung up and approached the neko.

"Kiddo?" Patton asked, placing a hand on the nekos shoulder.

The neko didnt move.

"Okay, okay, um." Patton sighed as he shrugged off one of his coats, "please be alive still..."

Patton wrapped the neko in his coat, hugging the small figure tightly in a desperate attempt to share his body heat. The only comfort Patton got was the slow thump of the nekos heart. Unfortunately that fact just brought up more concerns.

The sound of a car broke Patton out of his thoughts.

Roman parked on the side of the road and jumped out.

"Okay, I'm he- oh my gods." Roman whispered, "come on, let's get them back and warm them up."

Patton nodded. Roman picked up the neko and placed them in the back of the car. The ride home seemed like an eternity.

"Okay," Roman said once they got to their apartment, "I've got the neko, you can go inside."

Patton nodded, "okay, I'll see if Logan needs help with anything."

Roman went to the backseat and picked up the neko. The neko shivered, the first sign of life Roman had seen from them.

"Bring them over here." Logan said once Roman had gotten inside.

Roman layed the neko on the couch. Logan immediately began covering the poor thing in blankets.

"Now what?" Patton asked.

"Now we wait." Logan sighed.


Virgil was warm when he woke up. And everything was soft. Was this death?

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