"Your wel-- wAiT wHaT?!"

Taking a sip from Taehyung's drink yourself while Taehyungwas intensely looking at you, you choked out a laugh while nodding at the now panicking Jeon Jungkook as you passed Tae's glass over to Hobi in disgust. "Yupe, that's definitely not water."

"It doesn't even smell like it." Asserted Hobi while smelling the liquid, Jungkook snatching the glass from his hands to make sure of the truthfulness in his friends accusations.

When he took a sip of the drink, he blinked in shock as you couldn't help but snort at his reaction while Tae harshly nudged your side.

"Let me-- let me just go and get you another one." Said Jungkook, somewhat looking clueless, as he walked away from the trio, as you and Hoseok turned over to Tae with the same curious glint in your eyes.

"Okay now spill. Why did I have to pretend I just tasted a glass of vodka?" You asked your best friend who grinned  in your direction, as you saw him slowly getting something out of the pocket of his jacket.

"Because of this." Said Tae while he took out a small red box, you gasping instantly at it while Hobi's eyes budged out of their sockets at the sight of it.

"YoUr pRoposing?!"

"Oh god woman no." Breathed out Tae in horror as he slowly pocketed the box in its previous place. "Its a promise ring. I'm going to surprise him with it after the party ends. And since you and Hoseok are my ride home, I thought that you should know that you'll not be driving me and Jungkook home-"

"But instead to the place your planning on surprising him in?" Your heart fluttered when Tae nodded at your question, as you suddenly squeezed him in a hug to which Taehyung laughed at while hugging you back. "You two are too cute I can't."

"Well I am graduating and probably not going to be seeing him much after it. So I thought I'll give him something to remember me with every day." Stated Taehyung with a chuckle as you both straightened your backs after your hug, Tae peeking over in Hoseok's direction with a smile. "And by the way, Thanks for playing along Hobi." Hoseok laughed at his words while frantically waving his hands.

"Oh no problem, I knew something was up when Y/N almost broke my leg."

"Ouch yeah sorry for stepping on it too hard." You apologised with a small bow as Hoseok waved it off with a smile on his face that you yourself couldn't help but smile at, Tae looking at the both of you in amusement.

The grey haired tease was about to comment on the exchange that was happening before him, but the sight of a certain person from afar caught his attention.

"Oh look it's Jimin's hot cousin." Said Tae in surprise, as both of you and Hoseok whipped your heads in the direction the boy was looking at. "Taemin was it?"

"Yupe Park Taemin." You said along with a nod while running a hand through your hair. "He's the one that Jimin texts a lot, right?"

"I think? He's always talking about him." Said Tae, his eyes narrowing when he saw the currently talked about Taemin go inside the Min's house after talking to Jimin's mother. "Jimin's in the Min's guest room right now right?"

"Yes." Said Hoseok as he was fixing his tie. "Why?"

Tae gave a thoughtful look as he saw Taemin awkwardly go up the stairs of the Min's house, as a small happy grin appeared on his face.

"And Yoongi should be upstairs with him right?"

"...Right." Answered Hoseok with narrowed eyes to the other, his brows creasing together in worry when he saw you suddenly laughing beside him.

"Tae come on he wouldn't." You suddenly said confusing Hoseok further, as Taehyung hummed at your comment.

"Jimin's looking too pretty up there so he'd obviously would.~"

"Would what?" Asked the poor still to confused Hoseok as he looked at the both of you. "What are--"

Though as Tae gave him a wink, the wheels finally started spinning in his head.




"Oh." Said a bewildered Park Taemin as he looked around the room that Jimin was inside of.

Well, should be inside of.

Taemin looked around the room, and knocked on every door in it, as he went as far too check the closet drawers that were in there to look for his favourite small cousin and best friend since childhood, his eyes narrowing when he saw no sign of the mentioned blond.

A pout settled on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

'Where is he?'


"What do you mean where is he?!" Asked Jimin's mother in shock to Taemin who nodded at her exclamation, as Jimin's father from beside her asked her to keep it down a bit since some of the guests eyed her weirdly at her sudden shouting. "Jimin should be there with--"

"But he isn't." Said Taemin along with an awkward smile, feeling the tension in the air between the three of them change. "I checked everywhere. Are you sure he didn't go down already with Yoongi?"

"Positive! He should be up there and--!"

"Uh, Mina? May I have a word?" Suddenly asked Min Yoona to her friend as she suddenly popped up from behind Taemin, and dragged her away from him and Mina's husband while excusing herself from them.

"What is it Yoona?" Asked Mina worryingly to her best friend who looked to worried for her own good, her eyebrows narrowing when the woman looked at her with clear panic in her eyes.

"I--I have...I think we've got a problem."

"That problem being?"

"I can't find Jimin and Yoongi anywhere."


Whoop whoop things are getting spicy and complicated.

My auto correct corrected "guest" to "desk" and I'm literally dying

"...as Jimin's father from beside her asked her to keep it down a bit since some of the desks eyed her weirdly at her sudden shouting." Lol

We're nearing the end of this story~~

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