Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle

Start from the beginning

Interlocking their fingers, they lay on the bed and watched at the starry sky. They did not need to speak to hear each other. The subconscious, or maybe souls, have become the voice heard only by the two of them.

"Stars promise us infinity ... Really?"


"What if it's just an illusion? Suddenly, the word "End" is already written in our book, and we will disappear? It's like we weren't ... our love wasn't ... "

"Do not disappear ... we become stars ... I will love you forever ..."

"And I ... forever ..."

"Sleep, my love ... Tomorrow will be a new day. The best of our days."

"With you, every new day is the best ..."

Omer pulled Defne to him and kissed her temple. He pulled the blanket from the floor, wrapped himself and her in a cocoon, and whispered in her ear:

- Sleep...

Defne smiled and closed her eyes.

She dreamed of stars, and the thin crescent of the moon, and the black eyes of Omer shining with love.

She was awakened by the sweet smell of pastries, which was mixed with the aroma of coffee. Without opening her eyes, Defoe smiled. How she wants something, it is unknown what smells so good now. Jumping out of bed, she threw the first thing that fell under her hands, or rather Omer's blue shirt, jumped a few minutes into the bathroom, and ran down.

Omer barefoot, in one, low-seated on the hips, jeans, was making tea. The table was already set. Delicious smelling "unknown what" turned out to be fresh, still hot cornetto.

- Where is this from? - surprised Defne. She went to her husband, hugged his waist, and pressed her cheek to the cool back. - Good morning!

Omer turned around and kissed the soft pink and warm cheek after sleep.

- Good morning, my dear. How on time you woke up. The pastry was brought a few minutes ago. And the tea is ready. We will have breakfast.

He led her to the table and sat her on a chair carefully covered with a soft wrap. Having stroked a thin shoulder, he went for tea.

"Omer," Defne called him. He looked around. She looked guilty. "I don't want tea."

Omer blinked and shook his head. Wonders! Defne does not want tea.

- And what do you want?

- Coffee. With milk. Do we have milk?

She asked it as sweetly and touchingly as a child. And at that moment she was like a girl. Disheveled hair. A clean, untouched face. The fragile collarbone shows white in the open collar of his shirt. Thin arms peek out from beneath rolled-up sleeves. Omer's heart sank sweetly. Allah, how much he loves such a Defne. Natural and lovely.

Which looks at him with wide eyes and patiently awaits an answer.

Omer remembered breathing. Breathing out, shrugged, and answered:

- Unfortunately, there is no milk. But there is coffee cream.

- Hooray! - exclaimed Defne. "I want with cream."

"I'll do it now," he laughed and headed for the coffee machine.

While Omer was making coffee, Defne could not resist and broke off a piece from the rosy cornetto.

- Mmm! With strawberries," she breathed enthusiastically.

- Do you want strawberries? - Omer set a cup of coffee in front of her and added sugar and cream to it.

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