Ch. 6 *Edited*

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Percy POV:

It takes me a while to calm down but watching the fish and the water ripple droned me into sleep.

I'm watching Atlantis from above. Kymopoleia is arguing with Dad in the throne room. Kymmie is waving her arms furiously, her seaweed-colored hair moving with her, almost like Medusa, while Dad just stands in front of her with a stern look, eyes glowing a dark green, and his arms crossed.

"Kymopoleia calm down!" Dad takes a step towards Kymmie, letting his hands fall from his chest to his sides, though they were white because of how hard he's clenching them.

"Calm down? How can I calm down! You never told me of this!" Her green dress and hair glowed dangerously.

"You're overreacting! Kymopoleia, you are going to destroy Puerto Rico if you don't calm down!"

"I'm overreacting? I'M OVERREACTING! I don't care if I destroy fucking Puerto Rico right now! What you big almighty Olympians did is outrageous! Wiping not one, but two deities' memories!"

"Not now, Kymopoleia, Zeus is calling a meeting," and with that, Dad flashes out before Kymmie could say anything else. Did Zeus really call a meeting, or did Dad just dip, not wanting to continue the conversation?

"That, ugh!" Kymmie screams. "Stupid Olympians! But I guess I better check on Puerto Rico." She storms out. Are the Puerto Ricans okay? What's going down at Olympus? I still haven't seen Leo, is he really back, or have I just not run into him.

"Why did you call a meeting brother?" Dad asks on Olympus. When did I get on Olympus?

"It's about Perseus," Zeus glares at Dad, "and I would like to know why Puerto Rico is getting torn up."

"That would be because of my daughter, Kymopoleia. She's overreacting because someone told her," Dad rests his head on his hand, his elbow on the arm of his throne.

"Now that everyone has arrived," the Olympians glance at Dad, "we can begin the meeting."

"What is the meeting about, brother," Hera asks.

"Our issue that you have caused," Hera sits straighter under her husband's glare, not backing down.

"How is this my fault?"

"You're the one who took his memories without permission or thinking what would happen if he got all of his memories back, not just the ones that he thinks he has!"

"Well did you want Gaea to take over the world, or not!"

"Not, I guess," Zeus mumbles.

"That's what I thought," Hera smirks.

"We handed the mixture to the camp counselors today," Dionysus sighs, he's over all the arguing.

"Good," Athena nods. "Did you make sure you gave the one Hecate made to Perseus?"

"Of course, Athena, we're not as idiotic as you think," Dionysus rolls his eyes. "We made sure the others were just colored water."

Athena clenches her jaw, biting back a response. I glance around, seeing the other's reactions, mostly blank-faced, but a few (Apollo, Hermes) are biting their lips, trying to hold the laughter in. Dad clears his throat, breaking the icy silence. The gods look at him expectantly, but Hades is the one who speaks up.

"Do we have anything else that we need to bring up? I should get back to the Underworld soon."

"I should too," Dad says. "Well, not to the Underworld, but to Atlantis before things get out of hand."

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