Ch. 4 *Edited*

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Percy POV:

"He's alive? My son's alive?" Hephaestus smiles, then glares at his uncle. "Why didn't you tell me, Hades!"

"Well, I did tell you that his soul never made it to the Underworld," Hades raises his hands in mock surrender.

"You did?"

"Yes, multiple times."


Leo's alive. Leo's alive. We all knew he was out there, but it's still shocking to see him alive. "Anything else Chiron?" Dad slashes a hand through the Iris Message, disconnecting it.

"I already told the camp. Hazel and Frank will relay the message at Camp Jupiter when they go back. Jason has decided to stay and work on the shrines to the gods here, he'll be switching between the camps," Chiron informs them.

"You are dismissed, Chiron, Dionysus," Zeus says.

"Thank you for the information Chiron. We'll keep it in mind," Athena says.

"Thank you, Lords, Ladies?" Chiron nods his head in respect for the gods, and he and Dionysus flash out. Somehow, I follow them. They flash right onto the Big House's porch. Will notices and greets them.

"Hello Will. Would you like to play a game of pinochle with us?" Chiron grabs a deck of cards off the table, raising it to him.

"No thanks. How'd the meeting go?"

"Just fine. The main reason we were there was because we told the gods about Percy."

"About Percy . . ." Will trails off. What about me?

"What about Percy?" Chiron tenses, letting go of his relaxed nature.

"He was found unresponsive on the beach. He's breathing and all, but it's like. . . it's like he's in a coma."

"Will, we need him awake as soon as possible so he doesn't remember much. He's most likely reliving a memory. He's going through what Aphrodite called 'phases', I'll be explaining it to camp tonight."

"Ok, Kayla and Austin are working on waking him right now."

"I'd like to see him, please. Dionysus, our game will have to wait," Dionysus grumbles and opens a can of Diet Coke. I follow them to the infirmary, where I'm guessing I am laying. Yep, I see myself right in front of me. It's weird because you're told you'll never see yourself other than in pictures and mirrors, but here I am, staring at myself.

"Kayla, have you tried pouring water on him?" Will asks. Kayla facepalms.

"How did I not think of that! Austin! Get me a bucket of water to pour on Percy," Kayla turns around and faces her brother.

"On it Kay," Austin runs off and comes back with a bucket of water. He tips the bucket over and I watch helplessly as waters all over me, and I jerk awake.

"Hey!" I sputter and glare at my attacker, Austin.

"Sorry," Austin's tone clearly says that he wasn't because he's smiling, but I ignore him.

"Glad to see that you're awake, Perce," Will says.

"What do you mean?" I play dumb. I can't let them know that I know. That I just heard everything they just said.

"You were found unresponsive on the beach," Will hands me the same orange liquid Chiron gave me. I hold the vail up to my lips and evaporate the liquid inside so I don't drink it, trying not to show the concentration on my face. I hand the empty vail back to Will, trying to get up, but Will stops me.

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