Ch. 25 *Edited*

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3rd POV:

As Jordan got closer to Half-Blood Hill, it got hotter. They could feel the fire before they see it. Hot, liquid fire spewed out of the ground at the top of the hill. They could hear Peleus' roars ringing throughout camp. Jordan holds out their hands in concentration, trying to guide the fire away from camp.

"Leo!" Jordan shouts for help. Leo is already beside them.

"It's not working!" Leo says. "Get Percy!"

Jordan runs to the infirmary, where Order is arguing with Will, trying to go help out.

"Will, I need to get out there!" Will pushes him back down into the bed.

"You're not cleared to leave yet."

"Will, he needs to get out there," Jordan interrupts them. "Leo and I are trying to control the fire, but it's not working, we need our fire extinguisher."

"Fire? What?"

"There's fire coming out of the ground. Leo and I can't control it, but he's still trying to."

"He can help, but he needs to come back when he's done," Will's frustrated, but his home is in danger, and Order is the only one who could stop the fire if Leo or Jordan couldn't do anything. The waterboy in question was already out of bed and halfway out the door.

"Thanks, Will!" Jordan runs out after Order. Order takes in the sight around him and went to work. First, he tries to control it, which slowed it down, but not enough to do anything. He pulls water from the lake and swarms the fiery river with it. Big plumes of steam rise into the air, but the fire is relentless. The water doesn't do anything significant to it.

"Percy, stop before you wear yourself out!" Annabeth calls out to him. He looks back, covered in sweat from the heat and the exertion. The lake was drained, and so was Order, but he kept on trying to stop it. "I know why it's not working!"

That makes him stop and look at Annabeth. "Why can't we do anything? I'm not even touching it!"

"We need to evacuate camp. Half of us go to Rachels cave, the other half to Bunker 9. Meet me at the cave after everyone gets to safety, I'll explain there," Annabeth's trying to stay calm, but with no one being able to do anything, it was hard to do. Order nodded, taking a step away from the fire, they had time to get everyone to safety, and that was the priority.

They all went around spreading the information, deciding who would go where. The Romans and Hephaestus cabin, minus Leo, would go to Bunker 9 with the Demeter and Nike cabins, while everyone else goes to the cave. They brought the necessities: weapons, food and water, and medical supplies, to each place while the river of fire slowly burned through Camp. Chiron is supervising Bunker 9 while he trusts the older campers, *cough* Percy and Annabeth *cough* to take control of everyone else.

Annabeth POV:

My home is being destroyed. The home I've had since I was 7. Where I felt safe. But, is it safe anymore?

You can mourn later, Annabeth. Focus on saving Olympus.

I need to test my theory about the fire. I stick my hands into it, cup the liquid into my hands, and drink it. I shudder at the familiar taste, but I'm right, it's from the Phlegethon.

"Annabeth, what are you doing!" Will shouts. "Get into the cave! It's not safe out here!"

I listen to him and walk to the cave, the heat starting to become unbearable. I hope it's cooler in there.

After I got in the cave, I make sure everyone that was supposed to be in here is here and push a giant rock in front of the cave, well the Ares kids took care of the rock part.

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