Ch. 26 *Edited*

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How I imagine Jordan ^

Thalia POV:

"We got a 23 year old female suffering from third-degree burns. Identified as Thalia Grace."

"Any living relatives?"

"Not that we have on record."


"I am not letting a male be her doctor!"

"Ma'am that's not a choice you can make."

"Really? Do you want to defy me, boy?"

"I-I'm sorry I was just assigned to take care of her."

"Not anymore."


"What's your relation to the patient?" A woman says.

"Sis- Cousin, she's my cousin," I recognize that voice. Who is that?

"And you found her?"

"She was in the forest."

"Have you seen her since her disappearance?"


"She's been presumed dead for almost a decade now."

"She's been staying with her father's side of the family. Were you not informed, officer?"

"We don't have her records, we may need to detain you, and or your relatives."

"I assure you, we have records. I believe my sister is holding them. I can contact her if you would like?"


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Is that a heart monitor? Why am I in a hospital? I open my eyes. Too bright. I close them. What happened? Who am I? Annabeth? That doesn't sound right. Katie? No. Tiana? Isn't that a princess? Wait, that sounds close. Thelma? No. Thalia? Isn't that one of the Muses?

I open my eyes again, slowly this time, so my eyes adjust to the light. I see a woman sitting in a corner. She looks up at me, her gold eyes staring at me before she stands up and runs over.

"Thank Hades you're alright. I had to take you here because Apollo was busy with something and Camp Half-Blood is under lockdown right now and-"

"Who are you?" I ask. She looks at me in shock before sighing and running a hand through her auburn hair. She mumbles to herself in a different language.

"I'm.... a friend. My name's Artemis. I've been looking out for you these past few years."

"Who am I?"

"Thalia, Thalia Grace. You have a brother named Jason, he's seven years younger than you."

"What's with all the mythological names? Jason's a hero, Artemis is a goddess, Thalia's a Muse. What's next, you have a twin named Apollo?"

"I do have a twin."

"What's his name?"

"Apollo," her cheeks start to golden. Golden? Wouldn't they redden? Blood is red, not gold. My eyes must still be sensitive to the light.

"Anyway, what happened?" She looks at me like I'm not going to believe what happened. It's not like I'm tethered to a stick like Meleager. How do I know all this stuff?

"A campfire got out of hand. I'm going to get a doctor," Artemis walks out. I don't trust her, but she does seem to know me.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Conners, you must be Thalia, correct?"

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