Ch. 3 *Edited*

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Percy POV:

I wake up to the dinner horn. I yawn. Hazel is asleep next to me, her curly hair draped around her head. I nudge her.

"Hazel," I nudge her lightly. "Dinner."

"Five more minutes," Hazel groans.

"Fine, be late for dinner, I'm not the one missing out on some delicious food," I get up and leave. I am halfway there when Hazel runs up to me.

"You just left me alone, in there! Our fathers aren't on the best of terms, you know"

"I could've poured water on you. Would you rather have me do that?"

"No, but-"

"Well, are you just going to stand there or come eat?" I start walking again.

We are the last ones there. Which is odd because people are usually trickling in by the time dinner has already started. Frank came up to Hazel.

"Hazel, can we talk?" Frank asks. He fidgets with his hands. I think nothing of it until I remember he doesn't have ADHD. He does look serious, though.

"Sure," Hazel nods. I walk away because it looks like a private conversation, and sit down at the Poseidon table. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, probably for what happened earlier. I look around, meeting as many eyes as I can. Annabeth gives me a small smile, and I return it. Annabeth looks down at her food before I can silently ask her what's going on.

I look back toward Frank and Hazel. Hazel seems confused by whatever Frank is saying. Frank sighs and looks like he's explaining something to Hazel, probably some modern thing that she doesn't understand. I grab my blue coke and take a sip, watching as Hazel's face changes from confusion to a mixture of shock and realization. I turn back to my meal. I shouldn't be watching them, it's their business. But can feel Hazel's eyes turn to me, but I dismiss it, looking towards Chiron and Dionysus. They are deep in conversation, glancing at me every once in a while. Are they talking about me?

Chiron trots to the front of his table and taps his glass. The dining pavilion quickly quiets. "Dionysus and I will be at a meeting on Olympus tomorrow. Percy and Jason will be in charge."

"I-" I start to argue, but Chiron turns towards me, giving me a stern look

"You will be in charge."


"You guys have the most experience, therefore you're in charge."

"Annabeth's been here longer than me! Let her be in charge!"

"Percy, there's no use in arguing, he's not changing his mind," Annabeth puts her hand on my shoulder. "Besides, I'll be here if you need help anyways."

Chiron looks at me sympathetically. I clench my hands, and there's no way I could win an argument against Chiron and Annabeth. I give a stiff nod and walk out of the pavilion, slowly making my way to the beach. One of the few places that calm me. The quiet sounds of waves, the soft sand. I sit down, staring at the darkening sky, the water reflecting the little light left in the sky. I decide to make a few water pegasi and watch as they run across the water.

My mind wanders to my recent dreams, Chiron giving me that strange liquid, Gaea's last words to me before we'd got her in the air. Who am I? Am I really who I think I am? I want to remember who I am. I've tried, but every time I just get a headache. It's tempting to drink that orange liquid, but I don't trust it, I don't know what's in it, and I didn't like the look Chiron gave me before he handed it to me. If only I knew what's in it, how it was made, I'd trust it. I let the Pegasi melt into the sea, and I get up. I wipe the sand off my pants and head back to my cabin. Kicking off my shoes, and lay down on my bed. Maybe a little nap will help me.

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