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jisoo sat on his couch, staring blankly at the television. jeonghan was about to arrive in his apartment any minute now, and jisoo wasn't sure how to feel. initially, he had been both excited and nervous. but now, he started to regret answering that call and letting the older come over. he just wasn't ready to face him yet.

the amount of shame and regret he has is unbearable. jeonghan, a perfectly good friend, was cut off by his own bestfriend and left in the dark for a year. jisoo was surprised that the older even still cared about him. jeonghan was truly someone he didn't deserve.

jisoo wasn't sure as to why the older was suddenly visiting LA, but he supposed that there was something important he had to do. nonetheless, the fact that jeonghan was about to visit him made him restless. jisoo had been worried about how awkward their little reunion might be, and had been overthinking endlessly. he had also been practicing an apology, as he knew that jeonghan was well-deserving of one after what he did. jisoo didn't know how their meeting will turn out to be, but he really hoped that he wouldn't mess it up.

the sound of his doorbell ringing made him jump, pulling him out of his thoughts. he quickly made his way to the front door, internally preparing himself for the upcoming events. jisoo took a deep breath before finally unlocking the door and pulling it open.

as expected, jeonghan and seungcheol were on the other side of the door, standing quietly on his doormat. jeonghan's face lit up at the sight of him and seungcheol gave him a large smile. without much words exchanged, jisoo was pulled into his bestfriend's embrace, the warm feeling slowly melting his once awkward state.

jeonghan wiped a stray tear once they pulled away. "you have no idea just how much i missed you, soo-yah. it's been way too long since i've gotten a proper glimpse of you. you've gotten a bit skinnier. have you been eating well? oh i told you to eat well and take care of yourself, didn't i? you really-"

seungcheol placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from talking any further. jeonghan smiled sheepishly, "sorry.. i just have so much to say to you."

jisoo chuckled, nodding. "it's alright, i understand. come in, we can talk more inside." he said, pulling the door further back to widen the space for the two to enter.

with all three settled comfortably on the couch, the serious talk started.

"so.. why the sudden trip here?" jisoo started, genuinely asking out of curiosity. jeonghan looked hesitantly at his partner, who only nodded slowly at him. "well- obviously, we flew here to see you.. but other than the fact that we haven't seen each other in a long time, there's another reason we wanted to meet you."

jisoo raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, signalling for the older to continue. jeonghan rubbed his neck nervously, "uh- well.. how should i put it.."

"we're engaged." seungcheol interrupted, going straight to the point.

jisoo's jaw dropped.

so while he was busy crying over his ex in his lonesome apartment, his bestfriend got engaged to his long-time boyfriend. what different lives they lived.

jeonghan raised up his hand, showing off the pretty 24 carat gold ring that laid on his finger. jisoo wasn't sure as to how he managed to not notice the accessory the entire time. if the engagement ring was already fancy to that extent, he couldn't imagine how grand the wedding ring would be.

"does the rest know?" jisoo asked, the thought of their explosive reactions suddenly came to mind. "that's the thing.. we haven't told them yet." the blonde revealed, surprising the youngest of the three.

"you're the first person we told." seungcheol added, leaving jisoo speechless once again. "but we'll tell the rest too, soon. we're flying back to seoul in two days."

jisoo's face lit up as he let out a small smile, nodding understandingly. "that's great then! i'm sure they'd be really happy to hear the news."

"we want you to come with us." jeonghan said, silently pleading with his eyes.

the korean-american's face dropped. jisoo wasn't quite sure of how he felt about the offer. sure- he missed his friends, but did they miss him? does he even deserve to see them again after all that he's done? and seokmin- jisoo felt most guilty towards him. what if seokmin despises him and doesn't want to see his face ever again?

seungcheol cleared his throat and spoke up. "you don't have to make a decision now. there's still all of today and tommorow. take your time. if you want to come, we'll be sure to help you prepare. but if not- that's okay too. we'll respect whichever decision you decide upon."

jisoo said nothing, his gaze still fixed on the marble floor. the oldest smiled sadly, "well- that's all we're here to inform you of. we have somewhere else to be now, so we better get going." he said, as he stood up and straightened his shirt. jisoo nodded slowly, escorting the two to the front door.

jeonghan hugged his friend one last time, bidding his goodbyes as seungcheol simply waited for him by the side. once the two started to walk away, jisoo sighed to himself. he was about to close the door, but quickly stopped once he saw the two walking figures come to a pause.

jeonghan turned to look back at him, a small smile growing on his face. with the faintest of voice he said, "they really missed you, angel."

and with that, the two continued to walk away, leaving jisoo alone with his messy thoughts and tangled emotions.

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