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it was dark, with the moon's glow being the only source of light. jisoo took heavy steps as he walked along the shore. he could feel the waves hit his skin every now and then, the breeze messing his hair up, and the sand crumbling beneath his toes whenever he stands still for a bit too long. jisoo loved the feeling of tranquility he would get from his late night walks. it was truly peaceful. it helped him clear up his mind too.

once jisoo started to feel tired, he knew it was time to go back home. he sat down on one of the benches nearby and put his shoes back on, glad to have been able forget about his problems and relax for a bit. he took in a deep breath, before walking up to the taxi stand and taking a cab home.

his apartment room was dark. not to the extent where jisoo couldn't see anything, but just about enough for the male to question whether or not his furnitures were intruders. jisoo switched on his bedside lamp, illuminating a small part of his bedroom. the room was now not nearly as dark, but still very dimly lit.

jisoo took of his jacket and sat on the edge of his bed. when he heard the small buzz of a vibration, his head turned to the direction his charging phone was sitting at. he took small strides to it, wondering who could possibly be contacting him at such an ungodly hour.

it was a call from an unknown number.

jisoo plugged off his phone from the charger and quickly picked up the call. "hello?" he asked in a gentle manner. when he received no reply, his eyebrows furrowed as he moved his phone away from his ear to check whether or not the call was still ongoing. "hello? who is this?" he asked once more, hoping this wasn't just some bored teenager looking for someone to bother.

"ah- it's really you."

jisoo stood still, not quite sure of who this was or how he should react. his confusion grew. his patience thinning. "who is this? may i help you?"

"it's me soo-yah. how can you not recognize your bestfriend's voice?" the person replied, catching the american off guard.

that voice. now he remembered. that voice, with no doubt, belongs to the infamous yoon jeonghan. the one jisoo spent his college years with. the one who's shoulders he cried on whenever he had problems. the one who he had claimed to be his bestfriend, but cut off all contacts with once he moved. yes- it was that jeonghan.

"j-jeonghan?" he asked, hands shaking and eyes quivering. jisoo still found it hard to believe that the older had managed to find his number and was talking to him right at that moment. a small chuckle could be heard from the other line. "yes, it's your favorite person speaking. it's been a while, huh?"

when jisoo didn't reply, jeonghan spoke up again. "are you surprised? sorry for calling you so late. i've been trying to find your number all day, i eventually forgot about the time. do you have any idea just how many people i had to get through before finally reaching your number?"

jisoo bit his lip as he played with the loose string by the hem of his shirt. "sorry.." he muttered softly.

the older let out a noise of disapproval. "don't be sorry. the effort was worth it." jisoo could imagine jeonghan sitting with his legs crossed on his bed with a small smile on his face. the thought of it slowly made him smile too.

"anyways- let me get to the main point. the reason i tried to contact you was because- well, because you're my bestfriend and i wasn't willing to let our friendship die just like that- but also because i wanted to inform you that i'm going to be flying to LA this weekend."

jisoo had a surprised expression on his face, slightly taken aback. "..you are?" the older hummed gleefully. "yep, and i'm making sure that i'll get to see you at least once. i have so much i want to tell you, soo-yah."

"m-me too.." jisoo replied honestly.

jeonghan chuckled. "you can talk to me about everything once i'm there. prepare yourself to meet me! i'm so excited to finally see you again! 'til then, take care! it's already really late for you, so i'll end the call here and leave you to get some rest. i'll talk to you again tommorow! goodnight, jisoo."

"goodnight, hannie." jisoo said, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding once the call ended.

maybe- just maybe- he went to sleep with a huge smile on his face for the first time in a long time.

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