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seokmin was currently sitting on his study table, supposedly trying to complete his project that was due in less than a week. but who was he kidding- the boy wasn't trying at all. instead, he was more focused on snacking and his phone.

seokmin had texted kino to ask if he was busy on the weekends, as he was planning on taking the younger out for another date. but alas, it's been three hours and still no replies were received. to make it worse, this wasn't the first time kino had ignored his calls and messages for hours and hours on end; in fact it was the fourth time this week. seokmin had tried to be understanding of the fact that kino might have been busy, but that had been his excuse all the previous times, both confusing and frustrating the older. seokmin was busy too, a lot busier than kino probably was- if he had to be honest, but he had never used that as a cheap excuse disregard the latter.

so why exactly was kino acting this way?

seokmin didn't like to overthink things, but he just couldn't help it. kino was smart, kind-hearted, and good looking. it's no wonder if many people would like him. and if kino ever happens to choose someone else over him, seokmin wouldn't be too surprised. though he obviously wouldn't want that happen- it's not fully impossible.

would jisoo ever do this?

seokmin slammed his textbook shut and massaged his temples at the mention of his name, sighing. ever since the incident at the florist, seokmin had been thinking of that boy ever since. but why? he was over him, that's for sure-

don't lie to yourself, seokmin.

you're not over jisoo. no matter how many times you tell yourself that you're over him, the truth is that you're not. you just can't let go of him because you still have feelings for him. jisoo could push you off a cliff or feed you to the sharks, and you'd still be madly in love with him. you'd come to his house with flowers and be the one apologizing because the truth is- you're madly in love with him, and still are.

am i wrong?

you don't like kino. you're just using the poor boy as a coping mechanism; a way of convincing yourself that you're over your ex, when you're clearly not. the only reason kino had ever caught your interest was because of how much he resembled jisoo. the way he talks, sits, laughs, and even his undying love for tea resembles jisoo. you just never noticed it because of how obsessed you are with trying to convince yourself you're over him.

you're not in love with kino, you're in love with hong jisoo. stop denying reality and just accept it, seokmin. the more you stray away from the truth, the worse things will become.









the male frantically shook his head in disagreement. "n-no.. that's not true. stop. stop it." seokmin whimpered, hands balled up into fists and his eyes tightly shut.

not until you admit to everything, until you're willing to open your eyes and stop lying to yourself.

if you were really over jisoo you wouldn't have all your pictures together still hung up on the wall. you wouldn't have a small hope deep inside you that every message or call you get from a foreign number would he him. instead, if you were over him, you would focus on kino, the boy you claim to love.

but you can't.

so tell me, are you really over hong jisoo?

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