Badass (Chapter 22)

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Casey's POV

When we got back to Alexandria it was quiet... peaceful. Rick stopped the RV to talk to someone and when Michonne got out I followed. Carol stood outside with a bag around her shoulder. Rick was telling everyone to meet in the church in an hour.

"Rick what's happening?" Carol asked.

"We're going to have to fight." Rick sighed. He looked at me and I nodded. He drove away and I turned to Carol. She looked disappointed.

"Just as I thought things would change." She reached into her bag and pulled out a container of cookies.

"Are they poisoned?" I joked with her and she scoffed.

"You're the last person I'd poison, Casey." She smiled.

"Have you seen Carl?" I asked.

"Last I saw he was inside with Judith." She said and I nodded.

I walked to our house and went inside. He sat in the kitchen giving Judith a bottle of milk. When he saw me he smiled. Carl walked up to me and kissed me for a moment.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Do you think I show off?" I asked sighing.

"What do you mean?" He asked taking a hold of my hand.

"Do you think I show off with my abilities and being immune?"

"No. Everyone who sees it is amazed, not annoyed." He chuckled.

"Maybe I'm just annoyed. I feel like the only thing I'm good for is being immune." I sighed sitting down next to Judith.

"I disagree," he said and I looked up at him. "You're smart, brave, kind. You take care of Judith and everyone else around here. You keep me sane. And you could do that all with or without being immune." He smiled.

"I don't deserve you." I smiled back.

"I know." He replied and we both laughed.
We're sharing beds like little kids, laughing till our ribs get tough.

"Rick is having a meeting in the church. We've got new problems coming ahead."

"What's new?" He sighed.

Everyone met inside the church where Rick and Jesus waited. I sat in the back with Carl while everyone else took their seats. Rick explained our situation and deal with Hilltop. Then he told them about the Saviors. And how at some point we'd have to face them.

"If anyone disagrees. Now is your chance." I looked around at everyone. Morgan stood up clearing his throat.

"Do you think we can beat them?" Morgan asked. "Do you think we can win?"

"We always do." I spoke up and everyone looked back at me. "We always do."

"She's right. We have safety right now because they don't know we exist. We need to have a head start, get to them before they get to us."

Morgan went on about how he thought it would be safer to talk to them. Rick disagreed but made the point that it's not up to him. Aaron agreed with Rick saying that we've fought to survive before and we can do it again.

"We have something they don't." Aaron said. He looked back at me. Oh no. "We have Casey." Everyone looked at me again.

"Casey." Rick motioned for me to stand up next to him and I sighed. I took his place and he sat down.

"I'm not a god. I'm a fifteen year old girl who just happens to be different. But I've been through shit and that shit has been resolved one way... fighting. I'm with Rick." We shared a nod. "Sometimes I wish I could just march into battle alone and shoot everyone dead. But that's not how that works. You may have me but I'm nothing without all of you."

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