Doctor (Chapter 24)

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Some more Tiktoks to go with your new chapter! There are some spoilers in the Tiktoks for parts I haven't gotten to yet but oh well lol! Follow me on Tiktok @ Deathany and if you ever make TWD or Immune Tiktoks tag me in them!!!

Casey's POV

I walk down the streets of Alexandria with Judith in her stroller. She has some dolls in her hands as I push her along. I let Carl sleep in because he was up all night reading comics. The doors to the food pantry open and I glance in to see the stock of food we have. I keep moving and look to my left to see Morgan out in the yard twirling around his staff. He should teach me one day.

I move along passing houses. The door to Spencer's house opens and I'm surprised to see Rosita walk out. We make eye contact before she puts her head down and walks away. I guess her and Abraham are no more. The house over Carol sits on a porch swing with a mug in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She waves me down.

"Let me see the pretty girl." I knew she was referring to Judith but I wanted to make a cheesy joke.

"You're looking at her." I smiled and she scoffed as I walked down the driveway. She picked up Judith who as long as she had her dolls she didn't care what was happening.

"How's she sleeping?" She asked.

"Pretty good. Some nights I have to stay with her to make sure she falls asleep but besides that good."

"You'd make a good mom." She smiled and I shook my head.

"I'm not planning on having any kids." I chuckled.

"Why not?" I thought of Sophia. It's been a while since I have. Back when Carol hated me and blamed me for her death. I can't bring a life into this world just to live in fear.

"It's not for me." I shrugged and she nodded.

"Well you two be safe." She set Judith back into the stroller and we took off again seeing more people. Rick had walked into one of the buildings that we were turning into a cell just in case we needed it. Daryl was fixing his motorcycle that he got back. I swear Daryl and his motorcycle and crossbow. It's his thing.

Once I made it back to the house Carl sat inside  the kitchen with wet hair eating cereal. He smiled at me as I put Judith into her play pin. I sat next to him and while he ate I took the bandage off his eye.

"I just changed it." He groaned and I smiled.

"Let me check it." I took it off and he looked at me. "It's healing." I swiped my thumb over his cheek and he gave me a small smile.  I wrapped it back around his head and let him finish. I noticed the pile of dishes in the sink and I scoffed. Men am I right. Well there is Michonne but she's got other things to do besides dishes.

While I did dishes Carl sat at the counter with his gun. He cleaned it out and then took the one from my belt to clean that one too. I tried to not use too much water so I plugged the sink and filled it with soapy water. I washed the dishes then dried them and lastly put them away.

"Carol said I'd be a good mom today. I told her I don't want kids." I glanced back at Carl hoping he wouldn't have a big reaction.

"Oh. Yeah I've never thought of it." He shrugged. "I mean if you don't want any neither do I."

"I mean it's a two person decision. If you wanted kids maybe I'd rethink it." I put a glass cup into the cabinet.

"Well it's not something on my list to do in the next five years." He chuckled.

"What is on your list?" I asked.

"I have no idea." He laughed and I softly chuckled draining the sink. "Me and Jared are hanging out today." He informed.

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