Hilltop (Chapter 21)

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Casey's POV

"Jesus what the hell!" Everyone raised their guns at the two men holding spears at us.

Even if they attempted to attack us it wouldn't go well. Jesus explained to them who we were and they tried to make us give up our guns. But Jesus convinced them to let us keep our weapons. Stating they ran out of ammo months before.

We entered the walls with our guns down. It looked like any normal boring settlement but with a large house in the center. Jesus informed us that is was a historical sight that helped them see for miles because of the windows at the top. Jesus went on about their living conditions as we entered the large house. It was in fact historical looking. Old wall paper, a big stair case, double doors. Those double doors opened and a man stepped out.

"Jesus you're back! And with guests." He looked as us oddly. Especially me.

"Gregory takes control around here."

"I'm the boss man," he laughed, no one else did. "How about you guys get washed up and then we can talk." Ouch.

"I think we're good." I spoke up, he laughed again.

"Well aren't you precious. Jesus can show you to a room where you can clean up." He leaned to Rick. "I just like keeping it tidy around here, you know?" Rick rolled his eyes but agreed.

"I don't like him." I whispered to Daryl; he let out a scoff agreeing with me. We were directed upstairs.

"A teenager?" Gregory scoffed to Jesus.

"The most important teenager in the world. We should talk." Jesus replied and I smiled.

"You should talk to him," Rick said to Maggie. "I shouldn't. And you need to start learning these things."

"I wanna talk with him." I spoke up.

"No." Rick replied.

"Why?" I asked as we entered a room.

"You're mouthy. We're trying to make an impression." Glenn responded and I hit him making him laugh.

Spoilers; we didn't clean up. We just set our stuff down and Maggie went to talk to Gregory. I went downstairs with Daryl and Abraham so we could wait for her.

"How long do you think Michonne and Rick been canoodling?" Abraham asked. I snorted and Daryl shrugged.  "Have you ever thought of settling down?" He asked.

"Do we look settled? I don't even have anyone to settle down with." Daryl brushes his hair out of his face.

"Settle down with me!" I said jokingly with a big smile.

"You're half my age, squirt." He patted my head.

"You're thirty? I thought you were like twenty four." The both of them laughed and I just smiled shrugging.

"The only person I know that is settled down is you." Abraham pointed at me.

"Me?" I asked.

"You and Rick's boy got it going on." He replied nodding and I just laughed.

"Since day one, too." Daryl added.

Day one. The day they found me on the road. I sat in the back of Rick's car with Lori in the front seat and Carl and I in the back. He asked to touch my scar. His blue eyes were the brightest back then.

I remember the look on his face when he first tried alcohol. The look on his face when he got shot in the woods, when we first kissed, when I almost lost him at the prison. And the look on his face when his eye got shot out and I carried him to safety. Carl is my everything.

The Lost Immune (The Walking Dead/Carl Grimes)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora