Remember (Chapter 7)

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Casey's POV

I stood at the canyon place filled with walkers listening to Rick as he explained the plan. Daryl was next to me with his crossbow held tightly in his hand. This was supposed to be a run through, but I could feel something bad was going to happen. I tried to say something but I kept getting shushed. Maybe if they did listen to me, the truck falling ruining the plan wouldn't have been shocking.

Everyone ran around in panic as Rick shouted orders. Carter kept arguing saying we weren't ready. But we don't really have a choice right now. I grabbed the whip from my side and waited for Rick's orders. We couldn't exactly leave now since the walkers would take time to get to us.

"This is taking too long." Abraham shouted watching them slowly make their way over.

"Casey." I looked over at Rick. It took me a minute to get what he was saying. I gave him a nod taking out my pocket knife and slicing into my hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" Carter freaked out causing me to roll my eyes.

"My blood attracts walkers." I stuck my bloody hand in his face and he backed up. I chuckled pulling my hand back as blood dripped off of it. He looked at me with a terrified look. I wanna make them scared, like I could be anywhere, like I'm reckless.

Walkers that were trapped in by the trucks in front of us began to push further getting loose. We quickly took care of it then Rick gave us the signal to go. I got on Daryl's motorcycle after him facing towards the heard that followed us. We went at a slow pace with the walkers a few feet behind us. I listened to Rick talk through the plan in the walkie talkie. Sasha and Abraham were meeting us at some point to back us up.

A few minutes later Sasha and Abraham pulled up in front of us in the car they were in. We followed the flares that were leading us to where we needed to go. Once we turned the corner I watched as the walkers hit their bodies against the wall we built to lead them away. The wall sounded a little unstable but it stayed up. A few of them hit their heads so hard they died.

A couple miles later some of them started to go off track and into the woods. Which was not a good thing, if a few of them go that way then they all will follow.

"I'll be right back just keep moving." I told Daryl and he looked back at me.

"What?" I hopped off of the motorcycle and ran over to the side of the woods where they were heading. I noticed Abraham followed my lead and got out of the car. We made a bunch of noise and I made another small cut in my other hand. The began to follow us back on the road. I got back on the motorcycle and Abraham got back in the car.

"Hey, can I drive for a little?" I asked Daryl.

"Do you know how to?" He asked.

"Probably." I shrugged smiling. He drive up further ahead and got off, I took his place and he told me what to do. I started to drive when the car got up to us. They both gave me a weird look and I gave them a thumbs up. Everything was going perfectly fine until the horn went off.

I looked back to see the walkers following the loud noise that was headed straight for Alexandria. I heard Daryl curse a few times before we switched back to him driving. Sasha began to hit her horn and I drew more blood but it wasn't enough. They kept going towards the noise. This isn't good.

Jared's POV

I didn't know what to do since Casey was gone. I spent most of the time reading comic books inside. I decided to just go on a walk inside the walls. Once I stepped outside I got a headache from the bright sun. Every time I get headaches I remember how much it hurts to try and remember my time before the coma. I only remember bits and pieces of what happened.

I looked over at the pond to see someone sitting there. Enid, the girl Casey won't hesitate to kill. I observed while walking trying to remember why she is so familiar. Every time I see her I know that I've seen her before. She turned around, saw me, then froze.

"I know you." I said and she looked away. "Why do I know you?" She glanced back up at me.

"You really don't remember?"

"No, tell me, please. The coma is really making everything fuzzy."

"Just survive somehow." I'm not sure how those three words triggered my memory. But it did. I suddenly can remember her.


"Are you sure she's alive?" Justin asked as we peered at a girl through the woods. "It's getting dark and the camp is a mile away. Should we waste the time?"

"We have to help her." I said walking forward. He whispered my name trying to get me to stop. "Hey! You, girl! Are you alright?" Her head jerked over to us and she stood up covered in blood. A turtle laid down at her feet, I guess any food is food.

"We can help you." Justin reassured the girl. "Get you some real food, and cleaned up." She backed up as we got closer.

"We won't hurt you. There are seven of us about a mile away. Come with us, we'll help you."

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked.

"We're alive. I'm Justin, this is Jared." Justin shrugged with a smile. She sighed looking down as if she was deciding.  She didn't say anything else, she just nodded.  I looked down at the dead turtle to see three letters written in the ground.

"What does JSS mean?" I asked and she walked passed me ignoring the question. "At least tell us your name."


We made it back to the camp before it got dark. We introduced Enid to everyone, Wayne wasn't very happy that there was another girl. Now it's five girls and three guys.

We all ate canned beans over a fire. She sat alone while we all laughed quietly at some joke Justin was telling. I got up and sat next to her to be friendly. But of course Wayne pointed it out making a bunch of sexual jokes. I guess even after a life threatening apocalypse boys will still be boys.

"I'm just trying to be nice." I rolled my eyes.

I looked over at Hannah who glared at me through the fire. I can't believe she was even a little bit jealous when we dated in middle school. I can't remember why we broke up, but we did. But yet she is still angry at me and apparently tells the other girls to back off of me. Even though the moment after she glared at me she grabbed Wayne by his collar and kissed him. Everyone cheered and I shushed them looking around for any walkers. Hannah pulled away, glared at me, then dragged Wayne off into the woods to do who knows what.

By the time people started to fall asleep Enid and I were still awake. The fire had died down and it had gotten cold. I gave her my red coat, she didn't put it on but she held it over her.

"So what does JSS stand for?"

"Just Survive Somehow."

Hello Immunies:) Hope you liked the chapter! Do you think anything will happen between Jared and Enid? Hehe maybe maybe not. The song is Bellyache by Billie Eilish. Does anyone wanna be my internet friend because I'm bored 24/7 and need people to talk to lol. Have a good rest of the week, I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow ayeee! Much Love!

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