Awake (Chapter 1)

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Casey's POV

The look on Carl's face was something new. It wasn't just hurt or embarrassment, it was greater than that. As I said those four words I could see it in his eyes, he loved me but he broke me. And he knew it. And now he's dead to me. But what hurt the most was that I didn't regret saying he was dead to me, I meant it. Adrenaline pumped trough my body as everyone stared at me in fear. That's right, fear me. Like everyone had always done my whole life! Fear me you fools! Because in the end it's going to be me! It has to be me who saves you.

Jared. He's awake. I looked around at everyone once more than to the unconscious Rick on the ground. I stepped over Rick heading for Jared. Everyone parted ways as I walked through the crowd in silence. The walk made me blow off some steam and I felt my eyes return to normal, I couldn't scare him now.

I walked into where he is only to see him sitting up facing away from the door. He rubbed his neck probably from laying down for weeks. To see how he moves is foreign to me. I mean it shouldn't, he moves like everyone else, but the way he moves just feels different. I stared at him in shock, he's been laying down unconscious for so long it's weird to see him awake. I didn't know what to say or what to do. Would he recognize my voice, or will I have to explain everything?

"Hello." Was all I could think of to say. He gasped turning around to look at me. He was obviously confused and scared, he didn't know what to do. His mouth parted but no words came out, he stared at all of my scars. "Do you remember anything?"

"No, not really." His voice sent chills down my spine. I always wondered what his voice would sound like, now I know. It's quite soothing, not very deep, but it's nice.

"My name is Casey, you're in Alexandria. A while ago they found you with a head injury, you've been in a coma for a few weeks. As far as we know your name is-"

"Jared, I know that."

"Do you remember anything else?" I asked staring into his green eyes. His eyes were nervous and couldn't hold eye contact for long without looking away. His eyebrows scrunched up as he thought about it.

"I'm seventeen, I was alone. I was looking for something, I don't remember what exactly but it was a place. I remember the apocalypse. And I remember you, your voice is familiar." I smiled a little looking away.

"Yeah, I've been taking care of you for the past week. And you don't have to worry about anything, we are safe here in the walls. Are you able to walk?" He stood up and took a few wobbly steps. He watched me as I went over and wrapped his arm around me to hold him up.

"Thank you." He smiled and I smiled nodding.

We walked out of there and went outside. He took a minute to take in the sun and fresh air. As we walked into the street everyone was gone. He looked around at the houses and the walls. I explained to him how things worked around here. How everyone has a job, and that taking care of him was my job. He was actually a really nice guy, he even laughed at my terrible jokes.

"So can I ask about-"

"My scars." I finished for him as we sat down next to the pond. He nodded with a guilty look but I assured him it was fine. "I don't know how many times I've had to explain this to people, but once more won't do any harm. As you know the world is taken over by the dead, the walkers. But I'm the only one that we know of who is immune. All of these scars are bite marks or scratch marks."

I held out my arm to him and we shared a glance that gave him permission to touch my arm. He traced his fingers over the marks and I couldn't help thinking of when Carl does it. It didn't feel the same. I then explained to him all the stuff that came with being immune, which he thought was amazing.

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