Found (Chapter 12)

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Jared's POV

"Enid where are you going?" She quickly walked for the walls as I followed behind her.

"I'm getting out of here." She rolled her eyes.

"But it's not safe out there!"

"It's not safe in here, either." She began to climb.

"That's why we have Casey." I replied. She scoffed and stopped climbing.

"Casey isn't some god, stop treating her like she is." She kept climbing, I had no choice but to follow.

"Why are you following me?" She asked as I jumped off the wall and into the woods.

"I don't want you to be alone out here." I shrugged.

"I can take care of myself." She rolled her eyes once again.

"I know." She began walking and I trailed behind. "It's just, besides Casey, I feel like you're the only one I know."

"We spent two days together back then. Two days before I left. You don't know me." She didn't look back to talk to me.

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here." She glanced back at me. "You should turn back."

"I'm not going to." I did want to, but I felt I had to stay.

We arrived to a small town and it didn't take us long to hear the walkers. It sounded like a huge herd had made its way into an alley. Enid climbed up a latter to the top of a building and I followed.  That's when we heard the gunshot.

Once we were on top of the building we ran towards the sound just in time to see two men. One of them had a bullet in their head, the other was screaming covered in his blood. They both fell off the dumpster and I looked at Enid. She knew them. I recognized the man who was alive, at least I think he's alive. With all of the walkers I could barely see. But I did see him climb under the dumpster. Gun shots went off and that's when I remembered the gun I had on me.

I took it out and began shooting around the dumpster. Enid quickly smacked the gun out of my hands making it luckily land next to my feet. I gave her a confused angry look.

"We can't waste bullets. They're too many. We have to lead them away."

I picked up my gun and followed her off the building. We quietly found a car not to far from where the walkers were. She hot wired the car while I kept watch with my gun. Within minutes we had it working. There was still some gas left in it, enough for it to drive away with the radio blasting.

I had searched through the compartments only to find CDs. I put on in once she started it up and blasted it already getting the attention of some walkers. Enid grabbed a brick and placed it on the gas pedal. Once it began moving we ran back to that building and watched over half of them follow the noise. We decided to wait off the others. We slept inside the building we stood on. By morning we waited for the man, Glenn, to awake.

By morning we waited on top of the building. All of the walkers had drifted off now. We didn't know what we were waiting for. As far as we know Glenn is dead under there. Enid held a water bottle in her hand all morning. She acts like she doesn't care about people, but she really does.

"Do you hear that?" She shot up looking over the edge. We watched Glenn pull himself out of under the dumpster. He stood up and looked around. "Heads up!" She threw the water bottle down to him. He looked up completely ignoring the water bottle. It broke on the ground. "I said heads up."

Casey's POV

"Rick, this isn't a good idea." I whispered to him as he loaded a gun.

"If Ron wants to know how to shoot a gun he has ever right to protect himself." Rick said.

"But I don't trust him with a gun."


"Reasons." I mumbled crossing my arms.

"That's not good enough." He walked away over to where Ron was standing. He looked up at me with a blank expression then glanced behind me. Carl appeared by my side and took my hand. I smiled at him squeezing his hand.

Rick went on teaching Ron about the gun basics with Carl adding in snarky comments. I kept my laughter in elbowing him. I could tell Ron was getting angry. And him with a gun plus being angry is not a good mix. There's just something about picturing Ron with a gun that makes me uncomfortable.

When Rick said he could keep the gun on him I glared at Rick. He said he needed to know the feel of it. Then Ron kept trying to convince him to let him actually shoot it. But that would be a waste of bullets. Some part of me felt like Rick was doing this as an apology for killing his dad. Wow, aren't we a dysfunctional family.

Carl and I were taking a walk with Judith when I saw Rick running. It didn't take long for me to see Spencer trying to climb his way on to another house outside of the walls.

"Stay here and watch Judith!"

I quickly ran following Rick up on to a post. We kept yelling for him to turn around but he wouldn't listen. His hook slowly slipped out of place and he feel right into the herd. Tara was shooting at the walkers hanging on the wall. Rick tried to pull Spencer up by the rope but he wasn't strong enough. I pushed him aside as my eyes got red and I pulled him easily over the wall. He fell right on top of me squishing me to the ground.

"Get off." My voice transitioned to normal. Rick yelled as usual trying to get the reasoning from him. His reasons were smart but stupid. He wanted to go across so he could take a car and lure the walkers away. Rick then yelled at Tara for risking her life, her response made my day. She flicked him off.

Later on that day I could tell something wasn't right. As the men worked on the walls I felt as if something bad would happen. I could hear small creaking that no one else could. My first instinct was to go into the armory and take some bullets maybe another gun. Olivia didn't question me. I'm not sure if she's afraid or knows I'm responsible enough. She just told me to sign out what I took.

I saw the balloons first as the rose above the gate. It didn't take long for everyone else to see. I grabbed Carl's hand and smiled. Maggie ran to us with a huge smile.

"It's Glenn! It has to be Glenn."

My smile dropped. I heard it before anyone else did. The tower outside of the walls began to become unstable. It let out a loud groaning noise following by many cracking noises. Everyone watched in horror as it tilted over the gate. I could only get out one word.


We never learn, we've been here before. Why are we always stuck and running from the bullets?

This was the beginning to an end.

Hello there fellow Immunies I hope you've been well :) Sorry about my absence, I just hope you know no matter how long the updates take I will always update until the end. By this point I just know there will be another book lol. The song is Sign of the Times by the loml Harry Styles lmao. Have a good week and as always I hope you enjoyed the chapter:) Much Love!

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