Chapter 28

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*Louis POV*

I woke up in the morning to a bright shinning sun, I yawned as i rolled over to feel an emtpy space beside me. I frowned and put my hands on my face taking in everything.

I then decided to fall alseep again for another few mintues. I woke up and realized about what happened yesterday.

Harrycame to visit. Or did he? I must have dreaming, he isn't alive anymore how can he see me? Gosh, Tomlinson get your head straighten out.

I got up and got changed in some black skinny jeans and a buttun up jean blue shirt with short sleaves and a nice collar. I decided to quiff up my hair today and put on some black converse.

I walked out and looked at my face on a mirror. Wow, I looked not so good, I had some black circles around my eyes and I looked like a mess. News spread around quickly about Harry. Its almost been 2 weeks since his passing. I've counted each day, and still think about him each day, never forgetting his beautiful smiles and cute dimples. Also, his corny jokes and adorable personality.

I felt like tearing up just thinking about him. But I quickly wiped away the tears and relaxed. I made some oatmeal and tea for breakfast. Liam and Zayn went out early to hang out and Niall went to hang out with Demi and Ed.

I decided to finally go out and get some fresh air. I walked outside and went to some store nearby and just tried to enjoy being outside. But then I passed by Tea ò Cafè.

I looked inside and I might have let my imagination gone wild by I could've sworn I saw Harry in there waving back at me and smiling. I shook my head trying to think correctly and I looked back and he was gone.

I went inside and sat in one of the tables, remember how we all used to hang out here and laugh. When Eleanor made that cute poster or when Harry took me on our second date here. After a few minutes i was asked to please leave if I wasn't going to buy anything. I apologized and left.

I don't understand how I much my life has changed without Harry. I miss him so much I think about him everyday. Wishing he was still here. Wishing I knew I could've done something.

The boys came back and we hung out for a while trying to interact and have some fun and not be so gloomy.
I must have felt really sicken becuase I excuse myself early and decided to lay in bed.

I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. Then I realized, this was my last night here, as I felt myself take my last breath.

"Louis I missed you so much" a soft voice spoke.

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