Chapter 24

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*Harry POV*

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. 'Thats weird' I thought as I saw I was in a blue room and had a patient gown on.

I stood up from the bed and looked back finding myself still laying there with a breathing mask in and the heart monitor beeping. I walked out the room. I scrathed my head looking for the waiting room. I saw a Nurse and smiled asking her for way there.

'Excuse me m'am, would you happened to know where the waiting room is?" I asked going up to her desk

She didn't respond.

'Excuse me' I asked trying to politely get her attention.

She was still working on papers scribbling things down, its like she was ignoring me.

I went to touch her shoulder, but pulled back quickly as I saw my hand go theough her shoulder.

I gasped and looked at my hand and back to her. My eyes opened in shock and I carefully tried to touch her again.
But once again my hand went through, I then screamed.

"Woah there fella" Chuckled a voice.

"What?" I asked turning around to find a young girl around the same age as me but in a Nurses outfit.

"Calm down, It scares people at first" She giggled crossing her arms.

"Wha-wait who are you? And why can my friken hand go throught the lady's shoulder?" I asked quickly.

"Carol, and That's because you are a ghost, well technacially spirit but you aren't dead so yea basically just like your concious" She explained as if it were normal

"WHAT?! Wait so I'm not dead?" I adked checking my body.

"Nope" She answered smiling as she went to walk away.

"Carol wait" I said stopping her

"Werent you my nurse last time? And How come they can see you and youcan see me?" I asked

"Man you are full of questions aren't you" She laughed.

"Well its complicated so just go with it. And Yes I was actually, thanks for remmebering curly" she smiled.

Curly? Oh my gosh Louis! I have to see Louis!

"Carol, Can you tell me where Louis is? He was in the waiting room I guess, judging by the hospital we are in" I asked

"Yes he is, let me take you there" She said as I followed behind her.

We walked through halls passing patients as some were in critical condition and other ready to leave the hospital.

"Here he is, go get him tiger" She whispered and smiled before leaving

"Thank you" I smiled before she waved goodbye and disappeared.

I walked towards Louis to find him on the couch sleeping. I sat beside him and looked at him.
Watching as he softly snored and had his arms crossed over his chest with his head covered by his hoodie.
I smiled and softly kissed his cheek.

"Louis, I love you and I hope you know that, if not I would be happy to tell you a billion times. I would love to stay with you and be happy but I don't know. I know we came out and everything is okay, but I just don't know if we are safe. I don't want you getting hurt. I know all those mean things they say on twitter. I remember you falling asleep at night in tears because of what they said. It hink you are a beautiful singer and you aren't a fag. I love you for how you are. You know I remember that time on the XFactor house that in a video diary you said "I like girls who eat carrots" and they sent you a billion and you were so happy that day. Also, when we were on the stairs and you said "And I'd marry you Harry" I couldn't keep my eyes of of you, your smile and they way you are is the reason I fell in love with you. I din't ant you to be sad or getting hurt becuase of me. If I would've never said anything or acted so stupid, this would have never happened. I'm sorry for causing this, for makig them send more hate. I'm sorry for sending Eleanor away. We were happy before we came out. I could've stopped complaining and just go with it until the contract ended I'm sorry. I love you Louis, always remember that." I said cracking a tear before getting up to leave and kissing his lips one last time before walking away.

He then sat up after a while and rubbed his eyes, yawning a bit, then looked around. His eyebrows nitted in confusion as he said he swore he say me and heard me.

He then got up and I walked back down the hallway to my room. But I saw Carol there with a clipboard biting her pen. She looked up and I bit my lip and looked down.
She pursed her lips and nodded in understandment. She patted my shoulder and smiled weakly.

"He will understand baby, dont worry" She whispered before walking away.

*Louis POV*

"I love you Louis always remember that" Was that harry?" I asked before opening my eyes.

I didn't see anyone as I looked around, the boys were out and Iw as alone. I suddenly felt a coldair brush against my lips and then leaving. I gasped and touched my lips brote standing up. I decided to go visit Harry again.

I walked down the hallway to find a Nurse in his room. I smiled softly as she smiled back and got the idea we wanted to be alone so she nodded her head and walked out before whsipering, "Everything will be okay"

I walked towards Harry sitting beside him and held his hand. We sat in silence, which wasn't awkward at all, the only noises we heard we the soft voices of outside in the halls, smalls breathes Harry took into his mask and the heartbeat monitor beside us.

"Hey Curly, How you holding up?" I whispered peckong his cheek.

"Well today I went home for a while and found that many fans sent some flowers and cards for you and and the boys saying they were sorry abour what happened and they hope you get well soon. I just love them to death, always so supportive." I chuckled speaking softly.

"Eleanor called and asked how we were, I told her and she hopes you get well soon and said she wishes us the best, and sends hugs and kisses. Lovely girl" I smiled.

"Is the dress comfortable?" I asked as I examined the hospital gown.

No reesponse was heard, only the sound of his breathing mask but I smiled anyways.

"I would try one on, but I don't wanna get mistakened for apatient and It would be cool if you were awake to see how sexy I look in one" I smirked but smiled and laughed quietly.

"Well Kitten, I'm going to go now, its grtting late. Love you" I said kisses his forehead and walking out the room.

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