Chapter 02

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*Louis POV*

"Goodmornin Louis" I was greeted by head Management as I step into a small meeting room.

"Hey" I mummbled quietly rejecting the handshake he offered.

I step aside waiting for the everyone else to come in.

I then saw a girl with brown feathery hair step in with two other people.

I smiled as I saw her and waved.

She beamed happily at me and waved back.

Eleanor was a sweet girl, very nice. She did have her attitude sometimes but overall, she was a great person and friend.

"Hey Louis" She spoke as she came over and hugged me hello.

"Hey El" I responded hugging back.

"How's Harry?" She asked as we sat down.

I settled in before answering.

"Great, thanks for asking" I smiled.

"so team, Do we need a rundown for today?" The owner of Modest spoke up.

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my hand.

Eleanor looked over patting my leg giving a smile of sympathy.

I looked over amd shrugged.

We discussed today's plans and finally they set us off.

As we arrived to the front door, I took Eleanor's hand and looked at her.

"Ready?" I asked.

"As ready as you are" She said nodding her head.

We took a deep breathe and walked outside.

Right and left we saw a few cameras but just shook them off.

She seems to be a bit disturbed by all the attention, so I pulled her closer to reasure she would be fine.

"We are almost there don't worry" I whispered.

She smiled and nodded.

We heard fans screaming and yelling our names as we arrived.

Eleanor soon let go of my hand.

We finally sighed as we arrived at the Jimmy Fallon studio.

We went through backstage led by security.

"Well I'll see you in a bit Lou, Have fun! And say hello to the boys for me." She whispered as she was led off by Management.

I thanked her and waved goodbye.

Then I saw a group of boys soon recognizing a blonde head.

I smiled and walked over.

*Liam POV*

"Harry" I spoke knocking on his room door.

"Yes?" I heard a voice respond.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure" He said.

"How you holding up?" I asked siting beside him on the bed.

"Honestly Liam, I dont know anymore..." He said putting his head in his hands.

I rubbed his back Comforting him.

"Har-" I tried to say before he cut me off.

"It's been four years Liam" He said sternly.

"Four.." He repeated shaking.

"Im sorry Harry.." I said not knowing what to say to help him.

"Liam I don't understand, after all these years I still can't be out with him, after all these years, I have to hide my love from the world" He said standing up.

"Harry come here" I said standing up as he came to hug me.

"Now, we have to get ready to go record the Jimmy K. Show" I said patting his back.

He nodded bwfore wiping a few tears that escaped his eye.

I walked out and closed the door.

"Hows he holdin up?" Zayn asked as he saw me come out the room.

"Not good" I said.

"Well its for his own good, I feel bad for the lad" He said shaking his head.

"I know, I can't imagine hising my love for Spohia.." I said thinking about it.

"Well we gotta go Managament is waiting for us at the stage" Zayn said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay Let me just grab Sophia and we can go" I said walking back to my room.

"Soph? You ready?" I asked as she came out.

"Yea All done" She smiled as I led her out the door.

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