Chapter 11

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We were free to go home the next day and for safety, and Harry's begging, I slept in his room with him.

After, we left the hospital and went back to the house.
Harry's mum and sister said their goodbyes and left.

I gave Harry one of the pills that were ordered for him to take. Later we heard a knock on the door.
Zayn opened it and pursed his lips.
"Hello Mr.Malik" The man said

No, it was Head of Manag.

"Its just Zayn" Zayn mummled as Managa. Just walked in.

"Ah Harry, I see you're back. We have much to discuss. Tomorrow are the AMAs we need you to-." He started saying

"Enough." I said not looking at Manag.

"Excuse me?" He asked

"I said enough. Haven't you hurt him already?" I asked trying not to raise my voice.

"Louis, please don't get into this. Now Har-" He started

"No. This is my business. Harry is my boyfriend. You are really going to pile all these orders on him? He just got back from hospital. Do you know what you've done to him?" I asked standing up.

"Louis its oka-" Harry said

"No Harry its not, Are you really going to boss him around like this? How much longer do we need to be your little "puppets"? I'm tired of your bullshit, okay you broke him. This has gone to far enough!" I said yelling.

"Louis please-" Head of Mange. Said

"No don't 'Louis Please' me, okay this poor thing and me had been suffereing for four years, FOUR YEARS. And how do you thing El feels huh? Not being able to seenother people or see her family without being reported as cheating!" I said yelling.

"Its for your own go-" he said

"FOR MY OWN GOOD?" I yelled again.
"YOU BASTARD!" I yelled punching him as he stumbled backwards and Zayn held me back grabbing a grip of my arm.

"Louis Please stop" Harry cried out standing up and holding me.

I came back to my sense and looked at Harry and back at The Head of Manag.
Blood gushed from his nose as he seemed tooken back. He wiped some off as he readjusted himself.

"We will talk about this tomorrow" was all he said before walking out the door.

"Louis you idiot" Harry mummbled into my neck.
I turned around and hugged him.
"What have I done?" I whispered.

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