Chapter 22

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We woke up at 10am and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. It might be early, but we had nothing better to do.
So we all sleepily sat at the table eating slowly and sitting in silence.
We all were in sweat pants and messy bed hair.

"Wait isnt today, the day go to the Ellen show?" Niall asked with a tired voice

"Yea thats right, at 2" I replied

"Alright, well Im finished, Im go out for a run" Harry said putting his plate in the sink before running off to change into comfortable running clothes.

He grabbed the house keys and kissed me goodbye and waved back to the others before shutting the door.

"Well we got time to spare and i think Me and Liam are gonna go just clean around the house" Zayn said getting up

Niall and Me stayed silent before burting into laughter

"Clean?" We laughed

Liam raised an eyebrow before turning back around.

"Okay okay we will help you as we have nothing better to do" Niall said as we both got up and helped around.
After two hours of cleaning we all sat on the couch in exhaugten.

"Phew I havent made that much movement in a while" I said laughing

"Same" Niall says putting away the broom.

We heard the door open to see a Curly haired boy come in and smile.

"Hello" He greeted ahutting the door and going into his room.

"Well its 12 and we got two hours til the show. What now?" Niall asked.

"We could go for a following spree for an hour" Zayn added

We all nodded and stayed on our phone followin people.

"You guuuyyss!" Harry awed coming into the living room. He had asmile on his face with his hands on his hips.

"Thank you so much for cleaning" He said laughing.

"No probs Haz, we just wanted to make a nice gesture" Liam smiled getting up.

"Im going to get some drinks anyone want one?" He asked.
We all nodded except for Harry and Zayn.


We headed to the studio to meet up with Ellen.

"Ellen!" Harry said hugging her as we saw her by the entrance.

"Oh Heyy Guys, its wonderful to see you all here!" She smiled hugging all of us.

"Why don't we go inside and I can introduce you guys, sounds good?" She said clapping her hands together.

We all said our yes's and yup's as we followed her inside.

She sat in mer big white chair as we watched her from a tv screen backstage as they set up our earpieces and sound equipment.

"Welcome the talent and wondeful Boys of One Directiooon!" She yelled as everyone cheered and some cried.

"Thank you for joining us today guys, its wonderful to have you beck here once again" She smiled.

"Its great to be back, we feel honored" Zayn said.

As she continued to talk about us and we played a little game too called Heads Up.
We all had a laugh and sat back down.

*Zayn POV*

We were all sitting as Ellen talked and asked questions but while Niall answered one, I saw Harry touch his head and wincing.

"You okay?" I whispered putting a hand on his back.

"Yea don't worry just maybe a headache" He smiled weakly.
I nodded unsurely and continued to listen.

Then we saw Harry drop to the fall and we all gasped as Ellen got up and called an ambulance.

"Harry?!" Louis yelled going down by Harry's side.

We all gathered around him, trying to see what was wrong. The audience went crazy, they all tried to see what went wrong as Ellen tried to cut to commercials. The security guards holding back the audience from coming down the the stage.

"Not again" Louis whispered as he saw the Paramedics come and take Harry off as we all apologized and ran after them.

We were outside, so me and the lads got in the car and drove behind the ambulance to the hospital.

They rushed Harry in as the paramedics took Harry's heart beat.
"60 beats a mintue Sir and its 20 over 80! WE're losing him!" the womean said as they strolled Harry into the room.
We came in bursting in after. They stopped us telling us we couldnt go any further.

"This is all my fault!" Louis yelled slamming his fist into the wall crying against it.

"No no its Louis, you didn't do anything wrong" I said trying to calm him.

We all sat in the waiting room, worried and scared.

*Nurse POV*

They brought in a young man about the age of 18-21. His name was Harry styles. Carol seemed to know the young man as she whispered soothing things into his ear.

"Carol Honey, can you go get me IV and put it and set his heart rate monitor please?" I asked her.
She nodded and left to the sink to get the IV pack.

"Im going to go call the Doctor in, and go inform his family what the situation is" I said leaving the room.

*Carol POV*

As soon as Nurse Katy left, I put in Harry's IV and fixed up around. I walked by his bedside and leaned over by his ear.

"Hang in there buddy, youcan make it through" I whispered.
Slowly hearing his heartbeat and slow breaths. Studying his brown curls and long lashes.

I smiled and patted his shoulder as I turned to away and snapped my fingers making me disappear.

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