Chapter 23

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*Harry POV*

'What happened?' I thought as I currently found my self waking up on the couch of our home.

I stood up and walked outside looking for the boys. I yelled each of their names with no reponse.

When suddenly, I saw flashing lights coming from every direction.
I put my arms up tryig to shade my eyes from the blinking flashes.

I then heard someone called my name.
It sounded so familiar.

"HARRY!" I heard again. As I turned around looking everywhere for the voice.

When I saw him.

A brown Feathery haired boy smiling at me. "Louis!" I called out. I smiled and walking over to him.
I went to hug him and felt his arms wrap around my waist when suddenly I felt him being pulled off of me.

I looked up and saw his smile die down as he looked behind him as he then screamed as he was being pulled away from me.

I screamed his name reachingg out for his hands but he was too far and it was too late. Everything flashed and everything was gone.

"Louis?" I breathed out looking around quickly

"Louis?!" I yelled louder.

I heard laughter coming around me as I covered my ears and fell on my knees to the ground.

"Make it stop!" I screamed by it came out muffely.

*Liam POV*

We were currently in the waiting room once again and Louis has fallen asleep on the couches they had there. Zayn has aslo fallen asleep on my shoulder while Niall left back to the house to make calls and cancel mettings and such.

I saw Louis jumped and move in his sleep as he mummbled Harry's name.
"Harry" He said softly

"Harry Wait! No don't Leave!" He yelled sitting up quickly.

I looked over and quickly laid Zayn's head on the couch before I got up and ran to him.

"Louis are you alrighht?" I asked as I saw him sweating a bit and brwathing heavily.

"Its was just a dream..." He whispered

"Its alright Louis" I cooed as he layed back down to get some sleep again.

*Louis POV*

I walked outside of our house to see Harry sitting in a chair facing the road.
It was nice and beautifully sunny outside, no clouds in the sky and birds chirping.

"Pumpkin, what are you doing out here?" I chuckled softly as I walked over to him.

He didn't turn around. I went to place a hand on his shoulder when suddenly, he turned around and his smiled faded as his face turned into a shocked expression as he was being pulled away by a force and I tried to reach out for him but he soon disappeared.

"Harry!" I cried out.

"Don't leave me!" I yelled

I turned and saw him on the street.

I looked over and gasped.

"Harry! What are you doing?!" I said runningover to him.

I stopped as I saw a car coming.

"Harry! Get out of the street! There is a car coming!" I cried screaming.

He looked confuse as he turned to his left and saw the car, before it hit him everything went white.

I sat up breathing hard and tears on my face. I looked at Liam who was asking if I was alright.

I nodded and layed down again.

"It was only a dream..." I whispered before shutting my eyes once again.

After a while of not being able to sleep, I got up and decided to walk around.
I walked arounf the halls of the hospital before stopping at a particular one.

I stopped and peeked in seeing a curly hair lad in a bed with a oxygen mask over his mouth.

I bit my lip and decided whether I should go in or not.
I slowly walked in kepping my eyes on him. I walked around the bed before sitting beside him.

I slowly took his hand into mine and kissed it softly.
"Harry.." I spoke softly

"I know you can hear me and if you can, know that I love you and I always will. Please stay strong Love, we are all counting on you." I whispered kissing his cheek.

I looked over at him and watched his chest fall up and down slowly as he eyes were softly closed and his breathing steady.

"Now love, you can either choose to stay or go..." I said before letting a tear roll down my cheek.

I gave his hand a small squeeze before saying "You can make it through I promise"

I kissed his forehead and let go of his hand to get up. I walked to the doorway before taking one mire look at him before pursing my lips together and walking out the door.

I walked to the waiting room once again to find the boys had left.
I felt a vibration in my pocket before slipping out my phone.

'Went out for a bite, be back in a few xx' it read from Liam.

I then walked over to the couch where I was sitting and noticed something on it.

There was a small white rose and a notecard by it. I walked over and picked up the rose gently before picking up the card and reading it.

'You really love him don't you?' ~ Carol

"More than you could ever imagine" I whispered smiling softly.

Hiding Love || l.s Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant