Chapter 06

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*Louis POV*

"Hey Eleanor!" I said speaking into the phone outside our room.

"Hey Lou, whats up?" Her voice beamed on the other side of the phone.

"Nothing, just wanted to know if you were free today. Harryy is out with ed and the boys are at the recording studio meeting with Simon." I explained.

"Of course! When should I meet you?" She asked.

"Meet me at Tea ò Cafe" I smiled.

"Alrigr, I'll be there in a sec" She answered.

"Great! See you there bye" I said.


Well that's sets up for today, I guess I just needed someone to talk to you know? Just chill and chat a bit.

I walked in and saw El wave at me.
I waved back and sat down.
We were in the outside tables since it was really nice outside.
The waitress cam and took our order and we waited until she left.

"So hows it going?" I asked.

"Good what about you? How are the boys and the girls?" She said

"Good and they are doing well" I answered as the waitress brought our drinks.
El smiled and took a sip of her drink.

"Harry been sorta not himself lately" I said quietly.

Eleanor looked at me like trying to find the words to say.
"Well have you talk to him?" She answered leaningh back in her chair.

"Well sorta, yeterday we were talking about being together for four years and he sorta just like spaced out as in deep in thought. When I asked him if anything was wrong, he answered blunty and got up and said we should go to our room" I rambled.

"Louis slow down" Eleanor chuckled touching my arm to stop me.

"Sorry..." I said sheepishly.

"Its alright, Well you might wanna, you know just sit down and discuss whats been going on. Maybe something's on his mind. Just let him come to you when he is ready." She said.

"Yea your right maybe after tomorrow I'll ask him." I smiled "Thanks El, I really needed to talk to someone right now"

"No prob, that's what Im here for for" She laughed.

We sat there for a few hours chatting and laughing about stuff.
After, we walked around and went to shops as she helped me pick out stuff for Harry.

*Eleanor POV*

I really feel bad for Louis and Harry for everything that has happened.
I support both of them so much and they honeslty are the greatest friends.
But I don't know how much longer I have to keep them apart.

I hate doing this, I never wanted to seperate them in the first place. My parents really wanted some cash and forced me into playing Louis' girlfriend.
I rarely even see my family anymore.
I bet they are off spending their stupid money I earned for them.

I don't hate my job, I mean being friends with Louis and the rest of the boys is wonderful, I've met so may bew people. But its that job itself I hate.

But I mean, what can I say, Who knows when this "contract" thing will wnd.
Hopefully soon, I just want Harry and Louis to be happy.

"El?" Louis asked

"What?" I said looking up at him.

"I lost you there for a second" he chuckled.

"Oh sorry, just thinking" I said quietly

"About what?" He smiled.

"Just life, you know I havent seen my family in years and this job, I hate keeping you and Harry apart. Im sorry" I said looking at him.

He looked at my before hugging me tightly.

"Oh Eleanor, Dont be sorry. I mean its your job how else are you gonna support yourself. We understand. And your family, Hopefully soon you can see them." He said as we pulled apart.

"Alright, now let's go" I said smiling as we walked put the shop.

"HEY I LOVE THIS SONG!" Louis exclaimed as he turned up the volume


I laughed so loud.

*Louis POV*

As we both sang our heart out and laughed the way to the meeting room back at the house. Paul called and said they needed us there.

"Just gor a text from Manage. That we have to take a pic and post it on twitter." She said sighing.

"Alright" I said stoppig the car on the side of the road.

We made funny faces and she put up the pic captioning it "Shopping Day has never been so fun @Louis_tomlinson"
We then got to the meeting room and sat down.
I smiled sitting down next to Harry kissing his cheek.

"How was shopping?" He whispered smirking.

"Good and stop teasing I bought you something. But if you're gonna laugh, you don't get it" I played turning around

"No! I want it!" He whined

"Later haha" I giggled patting his head
He pouted but smiled.

"So Lads, we have two days before your next performance. Louis there something you are doing this weekend, is that correct?" The Head of Mag. Asked.

"Yes sir, playing a little football charity as always" I beamed.

"Great and boys anything else?" He asked

"Im just gonna be with Spohia and some of the guys" Liam spoke.

"Great now go on, get some sleep for tomorrow, Louis you have a match, get some rest." He said as we all filed out.

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