Chapter 13

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*Harry POV*

After a while me and Louis got up to get dress for the AMAs. Tonight was a big night, considering we were nominated for three awards.

We all met by the living room as we all examined each other.

"We look fabulous" Niall said as we burt out laughing.

We got in the car that was driving us to the award show and drove to the red carpet. We walked down it waving at the cameras and flashing smiles to the people.

After that we went inside for the show to start. First performance was Taylor.
She did well and we all clapped for her. As thw awards were given and people presented we finally went up to perform "Night Changes".
Zayn started his part and from there we went.

"We're only getting older baby, and I've been thinking about you lately, does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes. But it will never change me and you" I sang and couldn't keep myself from looking at Louis.

He looked back and smiled and sang his part. After we finished, everyone clapped and we went to sit down.
As more artists came up to recieve awards and perform, we were finally getting down to the last award of the night.

This was a big moment, where we found out who the artist of the year was. I looked over at Louis who was shaking at the tension. And the boys were all nervous as well.

"Aaand the artist of the year goes tooo.." They started.

"One Directiooon!!" They yelled and everyone clapped as we got up.

Then something took control over me as I had no control over what I did, everything has slowed down around me and I did it.

"Fuck it" I whispered walking over to Louis, grabbing him by the hips turning him around and kissing him.

Right there in front of everyone in the audience. On Tv aired around the wrold to billions.

Louis was shocked at first, but wrapped his arms around my kneck.
The boys smiled and applauded along with everyone else as we ran on stage and accepted our award. After, we sat down and I finally got to sit next too louis and hold his hand going down the stiars becuase you know what.

We did it.

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